Last time I visited that place...

Last time I visited that place...

Morning Star

Here I would I like to share something that I have learned from my Guru. It is called Clearning up the past by filling it up with Light.

Last time I visited the ground where I was abused first, a large ground where yearly fete is held...I visualised it filling up with golden light. Later I revisited that episode and filled it and myself with the same light...and asked God to heal it.

This time when I went back home and drove past that field, it was silent and empty. No residue, no emotions.. and anger

It had healed and I had moved on.

Thank you.
Id be interested in hearing more about your guru and his lessons. Really! Ive done a lot of spiritual study and the exercise you describe sounds useful.

At the group theray I go to I take along a good friend who live close to me.
One session he was talking about the place his abuser took him to, and old abandoned factory - a tile works actually, and he said it still held many fears and ghosts for him.

On the way home I asked him if he wanted to visit this place with me to maybe lay them to rest, and he agreed.

We drove down the rough and narrow road in the dark and turned the corner before the old buildings.
hey were all lit up and renovated. Mercedes Benz's and other posh cars were parked outside.
The whole building has been rebuilt and reopened as a museum to the tile industry that this area is famous for, and it was the official opening.
Ladies in lovely evening gowns and men in sharp suits were wandering about drinking champagne and having a great time.

They excorcised every ghost of my friends abuser. The whole building was flooded with warm, radiant and friendly light.
We left knowing that his abuser was no longer there. He's on his trip to hell.

Morning Star - I was abused in the local countryside & have been back there several times this year.

The last time I went, I took some digital photographs of specific locations. I also picked some of the late autumn flowers for pressing. I am now in a position to make up some pictures for my walls, with the pressed flowers attached over the photographs.

Why - well it's to remind me that beautiful things can grow in dark places & that maybe the places wern't so dark; it was the actions that took place there.

Best wishes ....Rik

Dave- sounds like a positive result for you as well. One of my friends went back on one of my visits with me & I know how much I appreciated his support.
One of the most important part of my healing was to forgive the perp.

But the next step was all the more difficult allowing myself to feel the compassion for him, as a fellow human beings and above all a troubled soul. who knows what he might have gone thru to reach that state of mine. He deserves healing as much as I do.

I am out of it but to complete the cycle he needs to heal as well. and move on..

That is when flowers can grow in the fields of darkness.

But thank god I was able to take those steps and find peace. otherwise the prep would still be living within me... as anger, hate and righteousness.
LaST year I had the opertunity to Return to the Rectory where I was abused 43 years ago. The parish was closed 10 years ago and the Rectory had become a Home for Abused Women and Family.

When I walked into the basement room where I was raped I found children playing with there toys. It was the play room for children who needed a safe place to get away from Abuse.

Now when I think of that room I see the children playing.

I think there are different kinds of 'healing rituals' that people can do, and we must find what fits our character. I have revisited where most of my abuse happened, both the physical and sexual, and have rather 'taken back' them. But what I have done, what ceremony I have had there, they are my own. I could not tell another to do the same, because we must find our own peace. Thank you for sharing that suggestion.
