Just plain angry

Just plain angry


The whole "Michael Jackson media show" has triggered a great deal of anger in me, and I don't really know why. Actually, I do. A lot of his victims were my age, and he's going to walk, I have no doubt of that, sadly.

The level of anger surprises me. I mean, I feel really homicidal toward that freak. The fact i enjoyed his music (a guilty pleasure of the 80s) before I knew the full scope of how screwed up he was is not the reason. I don't know. I just think that I cannot live with him drawing free air a second longer.

I keep thinking about a line from "The Punisher." He was asked why he killed criminals. He said, "because the fact that (crominal) is still drawing breath is intolerable."

God help me, Michael Jackson is bringing that out in me. I'd gladly pull the trigger on him, on my abuser, on them all if I had the chance right now (sorry, Brian-Z, I'm really struggling with this). Just pull and pull and pull until they were all gone. And I'd laugh my head off when they put me in jail.

Screw the law. I want justice. I want these freaks away from future victims. I really don't care about their rights anymore. If someone shot Jackson right now, I'd dance a jig. :eek: I am sorry i feel this way, but I can't help it.

I'm sorry, my brothers, I just don't feel peaceful now. :(

Scot, this story has been making me mad too. I haven't been watching the news very much because of it.

What angers me the most about it is how a group of MJ supporters are viciously attacking the 12 year old victim and his parents. This poor child. Painting a picture that reporting of SA out to be nothing more than than a vehicle to obtain money from the innocent perpetrator. The case against him 10 years ago fuels their attack, with the victim and his parents not cooperating with the investigation after they recieved a monetary settlement from the civil case that was filed at the same time.

Then there is another group that is acknowledging that it may have happened, but poor ol' MJ had such a terrible childhood that is understandable, that MJ is the actual victim, not the child. BULLSHIT.

The media is making CSA out to be either made up or justifable. Not much is being said about the poor child, except that they want to get ahold of him. To terrorize him some more.
It does seem to me that Jackson was a victim himself of abuses. Certainly he did not have a "normal" childhood.

But his being a victim does not lessen the victimhood of any children he abused. Holding that baby over the crowd from the balcony was documented abuse, so I have no doubt he has been abusive.

I hope to God, no I pray to God that the authorities would not leave a child with a perp for the sake of some "game plan" to catch him. That thought sickens me. That is the stuff of screaming nightmares.

His family, friends, lawyers are doing exactly what I thought they would - deny that it happened, act like how could anyone says this type of thing and then attack the victims and those associated with them. Typical perp behavior from what I have experienced.

I feel for the boy and his mother and hope that the Ca DA has all of their i's dotted and t's crossed. This is going to get very ugly. In the end, if he did do this I hope like everything that he spends the rest of his days in jail.

This whole thing is definately going to take child molestation to new levels in this world (and hopefully that is a good thing).

I keep reading things and hearing things that "MJ could never do this, he just loves the children". And I keep thinking back to my father who was a "leader of the church" and who everyone thought was so nice, caring, loving to his family and who would have given the shirt off of his back on a cold winter's day. However, that was only one side of him.

And then I keep wanting to proclaim to the world, "so what does a child molester look like". The answer to that is they look more normal to everyone than the world realizes. They don't look like they could be one.

I remember having a discussion with someone one time and he was livid that an accused sex offender was living in his town. I tried to enlighten him that at least they knew this person was because there are a lot of people out there that no one knows about.

Just my thoughts and two cents (or one cents worth).

Have you noticed that all of the commentators say the obligatory remarks on how terrible child abuse is and then jump into The Glove One and his fate? Few go beyond saying how terrible child sexual abuse is and actually describe its effects on the victim. It is as if everyone is against it, but no one knows why they are against it other than it is terrible. No one is talking about the pain, the inability to trust, the fear, and the confusion that the victim experiences.

Very true Green. All the focus is on Michael Jackson. I say screw him. The focus should be on the victim and what he has gone through. Some days our society is so screwed up.

For me, the completely debilitating anger - the kind that threatens to paralyze me - comes when I consider that our justice system and society actually perpetuates (hmmm.. interesting word when you think about it) domestic and sexual crime.

When I think of how many cases of abuse could have been stopped by the police or the court system, it makes me sick. Just this weekend, a story in Massachusetts about a man who was arrested after beating his girlfriend near to death with a hammer and the police had been called to the home several times before this incident. Or when an abuser gets out of prison in less time than a drug addict. Or when someone has been accused of abuse and is acquitted and allowed to be around kids. I am angry at the system as a whole - violence and sexual abuse are cyclical!!! If the cops and courts would believe the abuse happened the first time they hear about it and actually DO something about it, there is certainly less chance that the abused will turn into the abuser. And as we all know here, changing patterns is incredibly difficult for us - why would it be different for a perpetrator who was once the victim? OF COURSE, it doesn't make it right. No one here is saying that. I am not saying that. But in order to understand how abuse is allowed to happen, we need to seek answers from the larger picture. The background of the abuser, the parental denial, the societal belief that what happens to you as a child doesn't affect you for the rest of your life, the judicial belief that rape and molestation are not serious offences, the way the media glosses over the child or dismisses the allegations altogether, and on and on. It IS overwhelming, it IS frustrating, it IS terrifying what we are forced to watch happen to victims in this country.

That is something that I have only just begun to deal with in here. The intense anger at the enormity of the system that I alone cannot fix. That, for me, is where the anger comes from.

At the risk of being flamed and torched, I feel it is important to remember that Michael Jackson has only been charged, not convicted. And albeit he is a celebrity and has resources that most people don't; his celebrity is a double edged sword and works against him as much as for him. I am not trying to spark a debate as to his guilt or innocence, the courts will eventually decide his fate, however, I will say that in my mind the parent(s) who allowed their children 'sleep-overs' with a 45 yo man are completely out of their flippin minds! Peace, Andrew
Originally posted by Andrew:
I will say that in my mind the parent(s) who allowed their children 'sleep-overs' with a 45 yo man are completely out of their flippin minds!
I have to agree.

In my own experience, I wonder where all the adults were. Where were the witnesses that could have intervened and prevented the abuse I expereinced? Where were the adults that should have looked out for me and made certain that I was not in positions which were vulnerable?

If MJ is convicted, will the victim's parents in any way be held acountable? Aren't they some kind of accessories to the crime?
