Just checking in...

Just checking in...


Hey all... I just wanted to check in quickly. I've needed to stay away for a while... my g/f moved out yesterday... still really hurting.

I wish I could come here more right now, but it's tough. I don't know why, but it is. Hope everyone is well.

Sean we miss you so thanks for checking in.

I can hear your pain. Buddy if you need to talk or anything all your brothers are here for you asll the time.
sorry things didnt work out. after loosing my first wife, i know how hard it is. keep your chin up. i always thought if i started again, it would give me a chance to do it right from the start. take time to heal, and who knows, it may work out, or something better might come along. who knows.
i understand. thank you for letting us know how you are doing. i have kind of been somewhat absent myself here because of what i have been dealing with lately.

i know how hard it is to break up. i wont give the "one day at a time" thing that i hated so much when i was going through the loss of my previous marriage, but i will tell you that it does get better. i know this for a fact because lady theo is still here at my side even after so much that has happened. it will get better, sean, i promise. pm me if you need to, i am here for you.

I miss you much.

I miss your pain-stilling voice and your help in understanding and seeing a new way to look at things.

I am thinking of you, regretting your pain, knowing you will come out of this.

Grief is a long process. Please respect that part of yourself that feels the pain of the break-up. Please don't let it undermine your trust in others.

You are a good man, a brother, a friend.


Sorry to hear about your girlfriend moving out.

I've taken time away from here before, and I'm not the only one, either. As long as you remember that we are here to support you and come back when you need it, you'll be fine.

Sometimes we all need to take a break from the "usual" way we do things.

Thanks for keeping us posted. That really is a considerate thing to do.
