Just bought a SA book

Just bought a SA book


Hi all, though't I'd share something that amuses me at least. I just bought a book from Amazon.com on childhood sexual assault. It's one of the recommended books via this site, and I recall other people have recommended it as well. It's called "Beyond Betrayal".

So what's the 'amusing bit'? I've been eagerly awaiting its arrival for a couple of weeks now. Now that it has arrived I'm just staring at the unopended box and being scared of opening it and reading it. I'm sure it will be good but I'm also damn sure it will involve lots of crying too!

I know I'll get around to it, but I just thought my reservations were on the amusing side.
OPEN IT and start reading!! It's AWESOME and yes there will be some crying because it's SO great to know that someone understands US...and wants to help US!

There are several exercises that Dr. Gartner encourages us to utilize to help in our healing. I haven't worked through them diligently yet...just mentally...and they help!!

That's one of the few I haven't read but I trust TX_Space when he says it's a good one. I would caution though, somewhat in contradiction to TX, take your time. I think we need to be sure we are in the right mindset when we take on something so scary, something we know is going to be disturbing, at leat on some levels.

There are both an intellectual side to our healign, recovery and understanding as well as an emotional side. We have to pay attention to both, but it seems far easier to control the intellectual side than the emotional one. So take your time, maybe read a little and see how it goes. And it's always ok to take a break if needed. Little steps sometimes take us further than big steps. Just a little unsolicited advice. PS I completely understand your apprehensions in opening that box. Good luck - John


I think it's an important observation on your part and not really amusing as such. Opening the box will be a step forward and will require a willingness to discover things about yourself that you know you may not want to see. By not opening the box you are saying "I'm not ready. I will wait a bit for a better moment."

But there isn't a better moment than now.

Take care,
I am reading this book now. I find that I will read a chapter and then I take a little break. I started it about a month ago and am on chapter 4. It's good and worth reading when your ready.

Last year I was reading a book called The Wounded Heart by Dr. Dan Allender. I heard from people prior to reading that it was a tough read and that I would need some debriefing on it. I got curious and decided that I wanted to know what was in this book. Sometimes I cried, sometimes I freaked. Other times I was relieved by the doc's wisdom. Others have started reading it and thrown it across their room. It is intense.

I think of this book from your post, and wonder if it is along the same caliber.