Just a lot of tidbits

Just a lot of tidbits


Last weekend I did chair massage at the local PrideFest event and in fact I did over 50 of them throughout Saturday and Sunday. I was just a little tired by the time I got to Monday but now at least I know I can do 50 chair massages and still keep going. I've taken a couple of pictures and will post them to my website sometime soon. But the thing that was so kewl is that I had fun doing this and it doesn't seem like work to me at all.

So then I got one client out of it which I went and gave a massage to last night. It was a good time and it may be a long term client which is a definate plus. But on my way home I was in happy tears thinking - wow - I get to do something I enjoy, and make a differance in people plus I get paid well for it. Instead of me going to a job that I didn't want to go to or just doing whatever every day I feel like I'm in the place I need to be in the universe.

Back in 1999 when I had to say goodbye to my therapist that had helped me through so much because I was moving to a new job which ultimately brought me to Jeff, she said now that you have come through so many things, so many new worlds will open up to you. At the time, that sounded great but I didn't really understand it. It was just too foreign of a concept for me. Now I am beginning to understand it more and more and I've got this little sneaky feeling that I haven't seen anything yet! Because as I keep knocking these fears aside that I have (and believe me I have plenty of them) I keep seeing more and more things around me that I couldn't see before. It is like walking through a big weed patch and as you chop them down, it get a different view.

So then this week I also got word that if I can make it to the Voices conference in Minneapolis MN this summer, they would like me to do my relaxation workshop. The other thing that I hope to do if I can find the equipment up there is do chair massage at the conference. I'm not sure how hard that is going to be to find a massage chair that I can borrow because it would be just too expensive and difficult to bring mine up there. So right now I'm hoping that somehow in Minneapolis, there will be a way for this to happen. Because this is leading down the path that I feel I am going. And I know that if it is meant to be, I will find the right person or place to help make this happen.

Through all the fears and anxiety that I face on a daily basis, I'm loving the opportunity that the universe is giving to me. For the first time in my entire life I feel like I am doing exactly what I need to be doing in exactly the place I need to be. Never before have I been able to say that and I've had a lot of jobs and lived in a lot of places.

Oh well.... just had to share all of this.

that's super don! I love your outlook!
i need some of that and your post is helping me see that! :-)
I tend to write these things for myself as well so that I continue to get myself to see all the good in my life. Often I focus on the few things that have gone bad instead of the things that have gone right. And writing these down and sharing them helps it to all be more real to me.

i understand - i was referring to the change of
change of heart you had towards the end of your posting -

you have always seemed to try and look at
your experience positively and bring yourself
back to a valuing present - here and now -

it's important that you are able to realize the ups and downs of daily life - this is something
i had a hard time with -

i tend to experience things in extremes -

and it can be frustrating -

but my meds are helping me to change that -
raw nerve here at times -

but i love to read optimism - because it shares
a similar wish and spark for hope-

don --- i wanna massage!
Don: Good things come to Good People and you are definitely one of the VERY GOOD PEOPLE
Wow.... thanks all of you... I try to write daily messages in my Inspiration and Encouragement Yahoo group which you are more than welcome to join. It is just me trying to focus on the positive and sending out a nice little message each day.

I doubt I can make it to the Canadian Retreat and it is going to be hard enough for me to make it to voices unless things really pick up by that time (but I've got to conserve financial resources right now which is a choice I have made, but it sometimes sucks). I actually hope to take this workshop and chair massage much further than voices one of these days, but this is step one for now. Stay tuned!

You all really give me a smile too!

And yes it was a marthon massage...heheheeeee I found out how I need to take care of myself a little more during those events.


It's great to find fulfillment in what you do, isn't it? And genuine fulfillment is the best.

Don, I'm happy for you.

Peace and love,

Scot :D

I am thinking I have maybe told you this before, but it can never be said enough. THANK YOU. Thank you for who you are, for who you continue to be. Your posts, almost always they are positive, and always, they are inspiring. I hope that one day I can be the kind of person to other people that you are right now to me. Thank you, and continued good luck and success to you.
