June Friday the 13th--My Lucky Day!

June Friday the 13th--My Lucky Day!


Why? I don't know! For some reason Friday the 13th has tended to be a good day for me. Especially when it's in June.

Why? Becuz this is my mother's birthday!

Yes my mother is my primary perp.

But had she not been born I wouldn't have either. Or my daughters... :(

Besides my mothers' birthday means she's getting a year older...

Why is it so special when it's on Friday June 13th?

All I know is the last Friday June 13 I clearly remember was when I was 18 and it was the day I got honorably discharged (unadaptable/medical--aka a troublemaking mental case) from the U.S. Air Force!

No I don't hate the military, tho I kinda did at this time about 28 years ago. But it was far better that I was not there. The last place a surrogate husband & father with no real discipline
needed to be was in the military. Not good for me or for them, as we agreed.

OK that's why I like Friday the 13th. Especially in June. Especially today.

Actually I've felt better & had more energy today!


PS: Good luck today guys! :D

A man after my own heart.....I consider Friday the 13th to be my lucky day too. You won't mind if we share, would you? ;)

Most of my life, I felt that I was very unlucky, because some "unlucky" (ie bad, like the abuse) things happened to me.

It was convenient to blame it on the day I was born since no one else was going to take the blame--and I told everyone that I was a failure, mainly due to being born on Friday the 13th. :o
For years......

Once started on my recovery, someone told me an old wives tale (who are those old wives, anyway?)
that went something like this:

If one is born on Friday the 13th, then all luck is good--even the things that normally bring others bad luck--black cats, walking under ladders, broken mirrors and so on.

So you can tell how clear my thinking is:

Using an old wives tale to overcome a

But it worked and now I tell myself how lucky I am to have been born---especially now, especially on Friday the 13th August 1954. How fortunate I am to be who I am and have the life that I have.

There's more to the story (about how my mom chose
the date for me to be born, since I was way past due, didn't want to come out even then!, and they induced labor) but will save that for another time.

Seen once on a bathroom mirror:


Thanks, Victor, for the 13th wishes.

Glad for the reminder.

Your lucky brother,
I've never considered it a bad luck day or a good luck day, just another day. But thanks for sharing this because it gives me a completely different perspective.

Another point you talked about is how you were angry at the air force at the time, but are not now. I guess time does change things a lot when we aren't looking.... That does make sense and kind of good to hear right now.

i consider it my goodluck day. i was born on halloween, so i have always looked at fri 13th to be a goodluck day for me as well sence halloween and it goes hand in hand so to speak.

great thred

In Italy, 13 is a Lucky number. My OLD italian relatives used to say (in Italian of course) good luck would always be with u if u were born on the 13th......

Talk about 'having a nice day unless you've made other plans'! Amazing and good to hear how good/bad reminder-dates from the past can be a positive if we choose to be that way.

I had a nice daze yesterday and I think I'll do my best to have another today.


"... unless you've made other plans". For me that's exactly what it comes down to - recognizing that I can have as nice a day as possible whatever emotional travails I'm in. Some/most days I give up or give in to the strong pull of my abuse training.

Keep on trucking men.


listening to Eric Clapton 'Tears in Heaven'

You too bro.


Yeah I've heard that old wives tale too. Fact is, I can get along with a lot of cats ok to a point, but black cats just love me.


Hey the Air Force did me & them a favor by honorably discharging me. I'm cool with that.


Interesting. My mother-in-law was born on Halloween. I should ask her how she feels about Friday the 13th.


I'm Italian-American, my father is Italian 2nd generation from Italy. And I didn't know Italians considered 13 a lucky number.


Nope, I have no other plans! Plan to make my own luck & make it good!
