I've Found IT! I've Found the Holy Grail!!!
(And I am not pretending to be on a horse while banging together coconuts)
Major Revelation Tonight!!!!
For years I have often thought and said, "I feel like there is something I am missing. Something I cannot put my finger on, but it's out there and it's huge."
I often thought the "grail" was some great destiny I would run into. I searched for years waiting to bump into the holy cup and reap its rewards.
This evening it hit me: THE SA WAS THE GRAIL!!! What had been escaping me all these years was the memory and understanding of what happened to me. Since I have made my discoveries I have gone through hell, but a lot of toxic crap has begun to leave my system.
On top of that different facets of my personality, that have been disassociated for years,have begun to blend together. The other day I posted about my search for identity. Today I know that it is the "blending" that is forming my identity. In the past when I had an anxiety attack that was all I could feel. Today I can feel the spiritual part of me telling me it will be okay or my intellect comforting me with "pre-recorded" anti-anxiety statements.
I am also ready to open the door to creativity again. I know it is a wonderful land, but the door has always been stuck. Now I have begun figuring out ways to move the junk in front of the door to allow it more room.
I still feel a lot of the toxic gunk passing through me. Some days will be very bad and some very good.
It doesn't matter.
I have found my Grail.
Thanks for letting me share this.
Major Revelation Tonight!!!!
For years I have often thought and said, "I feel like there is something I am missing. Something I cannot put my finger on, but it's out there and it's huge."
I often thought the "grail" was some great destiny I would run into. I searched for years waiting to bump into the holy cup and reap its rewards.
This evening it hit me: THE SA WAS THE GRAIL!!! What had been escaping me all these years was the memory and understanding of what happened to me. Since I have made my discoveries I have gone through hell, but a lot of toxic crap has begun to leave my system.
On top of that different facets of my personality, that have been disassociated for years,have begun to blend together. The other day I posted about my search for identity. Today I know that it is the "blending" that is forming my identity. In the past when I had an anxiety attack that was all I could feel. Today I can feel the spiritual part of me telling me it will be okay or my intellect comforting me with "pre-recorded" anti-anxiety statements.
I am also ready to open the door to creativity again. I know it is a wonderful land, but the door has always been stuck. Now I have begun figuring out ways to move the junk in front of the door to allow it more room.
I still feel a lot of the toxic gunk passing through me. Some days will be very bad and some very good.
It doesn't matter.
I have found my Grail.
Thanks for letting me share this.