Ive conquered my loneliness!

Ive conquered my loneliness!


Ive conquered my loneliness! Loneliness was a core issue for me. I have always felt completely isolated and alone since my SA. Well, I was isolated and alone, by design. I kept my interactions with people on a very superficial level, never letting anyone close. That was a great way to keep my secret and not deal with the overwhelming emotions caused by my SA. Now that I am feeling the emotions and dealing with them in therapy, I am able to let people in and truly enjoy the personal interactions with others. The book dont sweat the small stuffand its all small stuff (not that what most of us are dealing with is small stuff!!) has taught me a way of communicating with others in a loving, kind, and compassionate way that truly has transformed my relationships with everyone around me (and its amazing how people respond when they are dealt with in a kind loving way). This is huge for me, one core issue down, who knows how many to go! But progress sure feels great!
Great, god for you I am proud of you just like the rest of us here on the board are. You have just taken one huge step towards being healed. Keep up the good work my brother and never stop healing.
That great news taipan. It seems that is the way it goes, bit by bit over time.

I am happy to see you so positive about today and the future.

That's healing, and your belief in yourself starting to work for you, it's a great feeling - and it gets better !

Dave :D