All ends well. Just got this response from the head honcho. I apologize for going bonkers. You all seem like nice sorts except for the guy who posts he's happily screwing children who I suspect is from PEDOWATCH on a fishing expedition. Nobody could be THAT stupid. I've been delving into the darkest regions of humanity lately what with the politics of the judge Kline affair,Los Angelese Archdiocese,etc. The Diocese is playing with saying their pedo-priests became that way because they were themselves victims of childhood sexual abuse. So don't hire Nam vets because they've got PTSD and have uncontrollable compulsions to murder-at-will? The bullshit's getting so deep you need wings to stay above it. Mostly I'm pissed off because even my donation of half a million dollars to the Boys and Girls Club won't get me a short article in the Orange County Register. I've offered to leave my name and the name of my abuser out. Got zilch response. Who are these pissants who manufacture & deliver information to the populace wordages trimmed nicely? Child molestation is no gawdamn frigging video game. The afteraffects are horrific. The Thing should'nt be made-palatable. It ought to be delivered in Technicolor,wide screen.
We're not weak kneed out here. We can take the truth. But they won't let it be spoken.
Not even for a half million dollars. God help us.
Dear Mr. Tinfoil:
Thank you very much not only for your very important correspondence, but for your incredible support of Boys & Girls Clubs.
Everyone in Boys & Girls Club work shares your deep concern about the serious risks to our children posed by pedophiles and child predators. The safety and security of the young people entrusted every day to our care is the number one priority of every Boys & Girls Club leader. The current scandal involving religious leaders and sexual abuse has only served to heighten our vigilance and concern. As you so rightly point out, every organization that serves children is at-risk of being infiltrated by these sick individuals, who will stop at nothing to gain access to kids.
We have developed a number of partnerships, training curricula, and security programs over the last few years to help our Clubs, board leaders and staff understand the gravity of this risk, implement safeguards in hiring and supervision, and heighten awareness among all adults and kids about these risks, and how to minimize them. For example:
-- Several B&GCA programs, including Child Safety & Protection, Kids In Control, and Street Smart, teach Club members how to stay safe by being aware of risks and dangers, what constitutes inappropriate behavior by adults, how to refuse/avoid potential predators, and so forth.
-- We have a strong partnership with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), which is the nation's leading agency in educating the public about child abuse, advocating for legislation and programs to prevent abuse and track down abusers, and finding missing and abused children.
-- In partnership with NCMEC, we have just introduced an important new security program developed for us by ChoicePoint, a company that provides screening and data services to many Fortune 500 companies. The Criminal Background Screening system provides unprecedented, state-of-the-art access to all major data bases, including the National Criminal File, all State Sexual Offender Registries, and the Social Security Number Verification database. These searches will only take a matter of days, as opposed to weeks or months, and the cost to our Clubs per search is only $3.50, as opposed to ten or twenty times that amount for the less thorough searches of the past.
-- B&GCA has developed a significant new management tool (unprecedented in the not-for-profit field), "Safe On All Sides: A 360-Degree Approach to Risk Management", which will be provided to all Clubs, and reinforced by training, which stresses the importance of screening and supervision of employees, and safety training for children.
-- This topic will also be a prominent item on the agenda of all B&GCA training conferences, continuously emphasizing and reinforcing the importance of keeping our children safe and secure.
I hope this gives you a sense of how important the safety of our children is to everyone in the Boys & Girls Clubs, and how committed we are to eternal vigilance in this regard. Thank you again for your important message, and for your faith in and support of Boys & Girls Clubs and our kids.
Best wishes,
Evan McElroy
Vice President, Marketing & Communications
Boys & Girls Clubs of America
1230 W. Peachtree St. NW
Atlanta, GA 30309-3447
This information was submitted from the Boys & Girls Club web site:
Name: Tinfoil
I recently willed my half-million dollars worth of North Tustin property
to the Tustin Boys & Girls Club thru attorney Victor Gorham. Handed the
original to Cliff Poulson. I did that because I lived thru childhood
molestation. Incest,parent/child in my case. I was born in 1946. What
steps,if any are being taken to keep pedophiles and "boylovers" from
accessing your clubs' children? Beyond a background check is there any
training as to what to look for? If not,you'll follow in the footsteps of
the Catholic Church. Bet on it. It's important to me.
With kind regards,