Its not fair

Its not fair


Its so not fair that cuz my stepfather and my stepbrother had to go and fuck up my life that now i have to see doctors and be on medicine and have all kinds of stupid dam problems
i hate them
Sorry to hear that I think all of us here feel like that at times.I can only speak for myself but I am on meds myself and with out them I would be a real mess.I am not found of meds either but if it works great.Just give it some time it looks dark now but it will get better. Take care Bill

Many of us here are or have had to be on meds. Sucks because it makes a person feel a bit different than he is used to. For me it does even out things an makes me able to function, so there is a very positive side also.

It's not fair. You are right. I think you've got something else right in what you say tho. You say it was them that fucked up your life. It is so important for you to recognize that and to KNOW that it isn't your fault. You get to reject any blame for it. Along with that tho you have a responsibility to yourself to learn to love yourself and do great things in spite of what those perverted creeps did to you. It's in your hands. You have what it takes. I've seen it in you.

Keep up your courage Bro, and keep talking.

Lots of love,

in the end, healing from this all requires help. you just got a little push is all. take advantage of the therapy, and dont hold the abuse back. let them know you have a very good reason for your rage.

as far as meds, starting them doesnt mean it is forever. if you deal with things and get the emotions out, you may at some point find you dont need them any more.

good luck in your journey.

That's one of the things that a survivor new to recovery has to get off his chest, and I'm glad you are doing that. You have every right to feel the anger and hate that you talk about; what they did to you is just about the worst thing that could be done to a boy.

But you aren't alone, and as John and Jay have pointed out to you, you are already seeing one of the most important facts of all: it wasn't your fault - NONE of it.

I know how you feel about medications. At first I hated to take mine because I felt like every time I popped another pill I was admitting the abuser had beaten me. But that wasn't true - I know that now. Every time we take our meds, or talk about our issues, or dare to speak out even when we are scared - all of that is fighting back and refusing to be defeated.

I know it may not feel so good right now Trev, but personally I think you are doing great and I am so proud of your ability and willingness to talk and say what you need to say. That is so important.

Much love,