It is ABUSE argument with wife.

It is ABUSE argument with wife.


It is ABUSE argument with wife.

Got in a big argument with my wife tonight about the school teacher that got out of jail today. The lady that had sex with her 14-year-old student had 2 kids with him and sent 7 years in jail for her crime. Chris thinks that the media made way too much out of it.
" They never would make that big deal of it if it was a man." She said
"So it would be OK if a male teacher had sex with a 14 year old girl?" I asked

We had a lively disgussion about this but in the end all I could say is that it was Child Sexual Victimization and it was good that the media made a big deal over it. May be I do look at thing different than most people but I know it was wrong for that teacher to have sex with her student. Tom
From what I have seen of it in the media, the interview with the man is almost promoting it as ok. They have given a lot of airtime to him saying how good of an experience it has been for him and how he wants to find out if she still "loves" him.
The whole situation, of these female teachers with the young students, make me sick. Yes, if it is male teacher, same age, and same age female student, it would be horrible thing. We would want to castrate him. Even though girls mature earlier, and a girl that age would be more mature then a boy that age. But no, because it is female teacher and male student, it is like the boy must be 'hero' to his friends. IT IS ABUSE! It is abuse of power, it is abuse of a child. Sick people.

The idea that society has is that because males so often respond sexually to certain forms of abuse, it is OK. What they fail to understand is that it isnt about what happens to our genitals that matters. It is what happens our unformed child minds that causes the real harm.

I wish that there were a way to make people see that. But to so many, it is just a joke. The way they see it, girls get raped, boys get lucky. Yes, it is sick. But it is also so ingrained in our common thought that it would take a major social movement to change it.
