issue for forum moderators

issue for forum moderators
The issue I have is the moving of a topic, for example to the Unmoderated Forum. I understand that recent posts having to do with the Catholic Church and/or other organized religions created a whilrwind of feelings and views that was quite difficult to cap. However when blacken posted the story of "poor, poor pediphile" John Geoghan this morning followed by my response to it, within 20 minutes the topic was gone. Of course I found it later in the Unmoderated Forum.

This reminded me quite poignantly of the filming of The Boys of St. Vincent and its subsequent showing in the US by A&E on cable. You see in the film, the investigating cop is ordered by his chief to "clean up" the report, ie to take out all references of sexual abuse. When A&E showed the film in the US, it "cleaned up" the film by cutting out a little over 1 minute of tape showing all the overt sexual scenes. Having seen the uncut version in NYC, I wrote to A&E demanding that they place a disclaimer at the beginning of the film when they would air it a second time later in the year. I also wrote to the NY Times reporter who reviewed the film asking that she investigate A&E for their choice to alter the film without informing their viewing public. Nothing was done! This is so similar to what I commented on this morning in my post to blacken's topic.

What I ask the moderators to do when they feel a topic must be moved is to add a topic in that forum stating "topic moved" and then post within stating where it was moved and why. Otherwise topics will be missed by all those who came to the forum after the topic was moved. Though I am not aware of, and would find it difficult to believe any moderator, doing so, this feels too similar to influencing what people get to read which is an abuse of power.

I moved the topic for no other reason than keeping this forum for Male Survivors issues.
Ok, I know Blackens post does have a lot of survivors issues attached to it, but over recent months there have been problems with posts remaining on here that should have been elsewhere, so the Mod's are making a point of moving posts where before we might have left them.

I've also moved BrianZ's post about the kittens, and MonaLisa's post as well.

I promise you it has nothing to do with the content of Blackens post, or your reply. In fact moving it to the Unmoderated Forum might be beneficial to this post. It's a lively topic and the replies can be posted there without fear of interferance - in the constraints of the Forum guidelines.

I understand completely your fears of having your voice curtailed, and that's not our intention at all. We moderate to keep the peace and avoid personal attacks, and keep the various Forums within their guidelines as much as is possible.

I did inform Blacken, but to inform everyone who might have posted would be a lot of work.

I sincerly hope you do believe me when I say that is never my intention to influence what people see, think or respond to here. Check out some posts of mine and the other Mod's and you'll see we state our minds as strongly as the next man.


Thanks for the reply and I can understand what you, or any other moderator, will do when you feel a post belongs in a different forum. But what you missed was my request. I wasn't asking that everyone be notified individually, I asked that a new topic be placed in that forum stating "post moved" and then in that post state where and why the post in question was moved. This will allow people who enter the forum after the post in question is moved the opportunity to still see it when they might never go down to the Unmoderated Forum to check out what might be there. I feel strongly that whenever a moderator feels the need to move a post that this simple procedure needs to be implemented out of respect for the person who posted in the first place and to those for whom the post would speak to.

I'd really appreciate it if all the moderators could discuss this request and post a reply. Thanks.

It's something we often do, but this time I forgot.
