Is always something I guess

Is always something I guess


So now that I am FINALLY feeling little bit better mentally, emotionally, after being so lost for a month---now I am sick again. Coughing, no voice, can't breathe. Oh well. I guess it is easier to 'fix' physically feeling like crap then mentally. Just would really like to feel 'human' again, whatever that is. :rolleyes:

Sorry, just my 'bitching' for right now.

that what you get for yelling so much at your students! ;)



You are a very brave man. I am sorry to hear of this. You deserve better. Make sure you take some time for you. And stay away from that damn rink for a couple of days :D !

Leshka if I know you you probably took the medicine to help you over the crap and went right back to the rink before you let your immune system catch its breath. And as Andrei says stop yelling so much. Try had signals. NOW THAT WOULD BE SOMETHING TO SEE. ;)

True story.

Years ago I went camping in the desert mountains for several months. I prayed and fasted and spent my days walking the mountains and meditating. Every morning at sunrise I would sit upon a mountain top and seek the absolute stillness.

The only problem was this damned fly. Every time Id start to enter into the flow of universal being, the fly would land on the end of my nose.

I decided to just ignore the thing and go on seeking peace. But the fly started to walk around on my eyeball and crawling up inside my nose. This became a serious distraction. Finally I realized that if, when the fly first landed on my nose, I simply clapped my hands very quickly in front of my face, I could kill it. This worked like a charm.

But the next day there would be another fly. Every day, same thing.

The lesson I learned from this meditation? Be grateful that elephants dont have wings.

OK, so this story is neither as deep as the ocean nor as wide as a garden gate. But it is enough. It will do.


I have a cold now, too. You probably have given ME your virus by computer! :eek:

Sooooooo....I guess that makes what you have a virus! BADUM-BUM! (rimshot) :rolleyes:

Okay, it sucked.

But I tried. :D

Anyway, have you ever tried giving your instruction by miming (mime) them? Interpretive dance? Semaphor flags? Aldis lamp? Anything that will save your voice? Or perhaps everyone else is right and you should avoid standing next to BIG BLOCKS OF ICE WHEN YOU'RE JUST GETTING OVER PNEUMONIA! :p

I only give you grief because I love, you, Leo. It's the Irish way!

Seriosly though, I want you to rest, drink your fluids (tea with lemon - great stuff for the throat!), and get well soon. I'll be most intersted in hearing your voice at normal pitch. :D

Peace and love,

Thank you guys.

Andrei, go to your room. Smart ass. :D

Marc, I don't get paid to stay home! ;)

Scot, my voice has not been normal pitched since I think Thanksgiving. Still working on it. :rolleyes:

Aden, you can kill all the flies you want. Trust me. I hate them. My dog hates them. I don't care if there is another one tomorrow. KILL IT!!!! :eek:

Mike, I use hand signals. Sign language. Universal finger. Whatever is necessary! :D

Hello Leosha

Knew I'd make it here someday - Thanks for not giveing up on me

Sounds like you've got a lot of good advice on takeing it easy on yourself till your lungs heal up - I know, easier to hear than to do... - I'm guilty of that as well (I worked my regular job all this last week even though I was supposed to be on light duty) - we just don't know how to take it easy on ourselves - do we...

Take care of yourself my friend - heal fast,


Ok, I have to admit, I too heard Andrei say, at least you can no longer yell at your students....

When I said I would tell you he said...

now that's loyalty!!!

Stay safe and rest easy.