


my company just switched insurance, and i was on the phone all morning. the first lady told me my chosen therapist wasnt on my plan :( she gave me some names, so i went looking to see if any had a background that was to my liking. i couldnt find too much, so i went to my insurer's sight and found out my therapist was on thier list, after i had already canceled the appointment i had been waiting to get. i quickly called and got authorization, called my therapist back and reschedualed. it was so hard for me to admit i needed more help to begin with, and even harder to tell my wife i was going back into therapy, so the last thing i needed was a big hassle. i hate dealing with insurance companies...
It sounds like a big hassle and problem. I do not have insurance, I pay myself for any medical things, which is difficult itself, but it sounds as insurance is not the answer. I hope it works well for you.

well, it's better than not having any, but it still only pays a portion. the cost, even with insurance was the main reason i left therapy the first time. it's hard to just keep going and goint, though i needed to. it's just too expensive. for example, my plan pays only half the cost of each visit, if i use a specialist, but if i use just one of their counselors it pays more. the problem is, i feel someone familiar with sexual abuse and addiction issues can better help me, but i pay for that knowledge too.