
A friend of mine gave this to me today. I thought I would pass it on. I hope it brightens your day as much as it brightened mine.


I am passing this on to you.
it is definitely working for me.
I think I have found inner peace.

I read an article that said the way to achieve inner peace is
to finish things that you started.

Today I finished two bags of potato chips, a chocolate pie,
a cake, a bottle of wine and a small box of chocolate candy.

I feel better already!
Just thought I would pass this along.

I know that I needed a smile today.
Thanks Chey, I needed that!

A lot more than the chocolate I also ate today! :o

But nowhere near a whole box--and I did avoid all that other stuff! :)

Guess I'll have to find some other things to finish--hopefully not edible!

Overeaters Anonymous, where are you when I need you? :D


Thanks for posting that!!!! It's not often I laugh out loud when reading the forums.

I'll skip the bottle of wine, but the rest sounds like a plan to me!!!

Humor... it does a body good! I never thought of my love of things chocolate as a form of inner peace. Hmmmm, err, Yuuummmmyyyyy :)


mantra of the day:
ooooommmmm chhhhooooccccooooollllaaaaatttteeeee bbbuuuurrrrppppp ooooooommmmmm

Survivor Books not found on Amazon:
'The Survivors Guide to Inner Peace and Wellness; How to eat your way to happiness'

sick sick humor:
"Honest, I was only seeking inner peace" - Jeffery Dahmler in a therapy session with Dr. Hannibal Lecter