inner child?

inner child?


well i have heard a lot on here about inner children. and im not totally sure what that means but i think i got the idea.

and i guess i just been thinking about it a lot, and i realized, that im kind of afraid of the idea. im not really sure. i mean i think i know i have this part of me way inside me that never grew up and i guess that i feel that there but im kind of afraid of it. i dont know. its hard to explain i just wanted to know if anyone related. maybe it is that i dont like there to be such a weak part of me. or maybe i dont want to deal with it being there. i know that kid that used to be me is the same person as me now but it feels real different, like a disconnect almost like its someone else sometimes. and i guess connecting back is kind of frightening to me. i guess that sounds dumb. i dont know
it is the child who can play -
it is the child who laughs
and the child who sees beauty -

i think we must be in touch with all of our nature to be successful individuals - or perhaps success meaning - content - in life -

there was a great story of legend - written by Horace I think of a great warrior -

I am not sure if it was Ulysees - who came home from war - and his very young son - who had never met him - saw this soldier - in armour - and dirty and fierce looking -

the boy cowered - in fear -

and Ulysees - saw this - and bent down on his knees to be the same height as his son - and put his arm around him and said you are safe.

this is a man - who respected the child - the child's fear -

as an allegory - one could say - he saw the child within him too (and as you suggested the weakness or maybe one coudl say the vulnerablities)

the man maintained a relationship with this in him - and respected this - coudl summon the strength to do battle do wage the war of life -

but then outside of that - in a safe haven -

he could respect that in others -

he was just a man - a very awesome man i would hope to be like - but in my ownn small way of my life - and offer that to others - no matter how 'big or small' my job - or life -

anyway - i don't see weaknesses as a bad thing -

and you are so NOT dumb - you are honest and very brave to write all this -

one man once said in an interview -

he cannot go without fear - but he can move insecurely forward -

i think very true - god bless sir.
i think to me - being able to know your weaknesses or vulnerablities is key-

and in so doing - you are strong - it sounds like you are quite strong!
This is a pretty simple explanation (found on line):

Definition: Resolving old childhood issues that effect the adults in us. Inner child work relates to getting in touch with stages of our developmental growth that were wounded or stunted due to stimuli or intensity. This therapy helps the adult identifying why he/she has a strong emotional reaction to something or someone.

it's a lot bats - hang in there.

Good for you, you've gained a real don't know but you want to know. It is tough. Froggy's definition is very good-- it's the kid within us who stopped trusting, or feeling relaxed or whatever because of what happened to us.

Hang in there bat-connecting is scary, but not connecting worse.

The good thing about the inner child is that he knows what is best for you. He knows what happened to you and what you need. Work with him and get to know him. He will play a huge role in your recovery.

there are effective ways to communicate with him. Try using your nondominate hand and write down the things he wants to say to you. It works.

It helped me to perceive that extra entity in my mind as a friend. You befriend that entity, and you will find the key to your recovery. I've found that, becoming in touch with my inner child, I have found the ability to cry when I couldn't. To get really MAD when I needed to about what happened. You learn to love that child and you learn to get pissed at anything that tries to hurt it like the perp that hurt that child when you were young. That child when you were young that had to suffer, is the same little child that resides within you today. Society may view that as a personality disorder, but, becoming in touch with that child is highly benificial to recovery. Its only a disorder if it interferes with your ability to live your life. From my perspective with my own experiences, it is not an interference, but, a blessing.

If you search the forums, there is plenty already posted on this issue,
