Initial Questions

Initial Questions


New Registrant
How do you find/trust a therapist?
What are good questions to ask?
How do you find out if any complaints are filed against them?
What are the steps a therapist uses to uncover lost memory? I can remember events but no details and yet I identify them as sexual. Recently I had memories come back to me that tie a lot of my life stuggles together and I want to know more.
I'm glad you found this site. It's been a huge help for me.

There's a section of the site that deals with finding a therapist. There's also an article by Ken Singer, " A Consumers Guide To Therapist Shopping " you might try.

I've found that finding a therpist is like finding a friend or a spouse. I had to visit with several before I found one that I clicked with. It's not just about training and finding a therapist that doesn't freak over our internal battles. It's also about personality.

As to recovering lost memories, beware of any therapist who says they can do that for you. A therapist who suggests a memory or guides you toward a way of thinking is toxic. My sister went to one of those. She accused everybody we know of SA her after she went to this one therapist. The fact is, only you can know what happened. I try to focus on what I do remember, and why I remember that, how that made me feel, and often my mind will take me to the rest in flashbacks of feelings. The fact is though, that a little boy's mind doesn't record every detail of anything, and as a little kid, I didn't even understand what was going on. What we do remember is like you said, feelings, reactions, emotions.

This site is a good place. The men here understand what we're going through. Share all you are able. We're here for you.