in the shadow of solitude - an affirmation.

in the shadow of solitude - an affirmation.


in the shadow of solitude - errant words can linger - words that glint of negativity or hurt
despite reassurances -

Ok - this is my mind when i am alone -
the validation i seek - because of my loneliness -is so accentuated when i hear a negativity within those infrequent communications -

isn't that weird?? but i am tossing it !

i am opting out of negativity!

i can still be self protective - as maybe negativity in itself can sort of suggest
a powerful protection and preparedness for hurt??

no - this is false -

I will choose to be positive will choose to think
positively given the opportunity to decide one way or the other -

it makes the days easier - and my vision of the present a lot clearer -

it's a great feelilng - and a burden lifted in a sense -

i hope this helps someone -

I am ok - I know it -

I have my problems - who doesn't?

I am not a bad guy - or limited beyond
all ability - I can do stuff -
I will survive -
I am determined -
I am not perfect - I don't know what that is
anyway -

I am lucky - I love my friends
and I love MS!
Morning Star - what was the intended message of your response
- specifically in it's relation to my post?
regardless - i am very happy for You -
that there was something in my expression
You could associate to your own experience -

and affirm yourself too -

let's talk though - it seems you say a lot of things :)