I can't tell you how many times I've felt that way. Just last week was one. I posted about it although I was really not ready to talk about it (still not). The first person to respond to that post was you, my friend. Those few short words of yours gave me such a lift.
That's what this place if for. It takes courage to come on here and let it out like you did. And it is healing too, especially when you get such great support from others who understand.
I've made this suggestion to others. I know it helped me during the really rough times back when the sh** first hit the fan. It still helps a lot. Find a picture of yourself when you were a small innocent child and carry it in your wallet. When the bad times come or you get really down on yourself, take out the picture and really look at that sweet, trusting little boy. Then ask yourself:
"Why are you being so hard on this innocent little boy? He didn't do anything to deserve all the crap you're throwing at him. Give him a break, will you!"
This is not to suggest that the things you are feeling are not real or not legitimate, because they are, on a number of levels. What that little action accomplished for me however, was to help me sort out what was important right at that moment and deal with it while helping me to not beat myself up with the rest of the stuff that was getting to me.
Just something that works for me. I hope your days get better.
Courage my friend,