In college, away from home and dealing with past sa
My name is Victor and I was sexually abused at a young age, I can't even remember how old I was. It was an older male cousin whom first showed me how to masturbate, then gave me pornography to masturbate to and finally convinced me to have sex with him. This abuse went on over time from when I was a young child until I was in junior high school. I began to refuse his advances because I felt what we were doing was wrong, but at the same time I was really attracted to doing it. That's how it ended, we never talked about it since and I still see him occasionally.
The most difficult thing for me is that now I am 20 years old, my second year in college and I am living almost 2,000 miles away from all family. I spend a lot of my time moping over my loneliness, feeling extremely depressed and helpless. In high school my grades were descent because I did not have to try very hard to get good grades, but in college I am finding that I fall apart easily, get distracted easily, have extreme trouble sleeping and waking up, and feel unmotivated regardless of all the efforts I try to motivate myself. Now I have a mediocre g.p.a.
I have been seeing a therapist for over a year twice a month and it has helped me a lot. Seeing this therapist has helped me even admit what happened to me when I was younger. I am also on an anti-depressant, but even that only helps so much. This semester has turned out terrible, I considered dropping out of college and returning home even though I only have a year of classes left. I feel that my world is a broken vehicle I've been trying to drive for the last two years, and I'm at the point where I need to have the engine rebuilt or else I'm going to go no where.
I need to hear from other men who've had this happen to them if what I am going through is normal, and what I can do to try to repair it. I constantly make myself feel like a victim, and use that as an excuse for failure. At the same time my professors don't know about my problems so they just see me as another lazy student. Has anyone in a similar situation as me had to deal with professors to try to get them to understand what is happening? Should I come out and tell them what happened to me? Is there a discreet way to help them understand?
Also what are some good resources online, and offline, to visit in order to meet other men sexually abused as children? My university is in a small town so I'm not so sure what I could find out here. I haven't been to church in many years, are they even a good resource to consider?
The most difficult thing for me is that now I am 20 years old, my second year in college and I am living almost 2,000 miles away from all family. I spend a lot of my time moping over my loneliness, feeling extremely depressed and helpless. In high school my grades were descent because I did not have to try very hard to get good grades, but in college I am finding that I fall apart easily, get distracted easily, have extreme trouble sleeping and waking up, and feel unmotivated regardless of all the efforts I try to motivate myself. Now I have a mediocre g.p.a.
I have been seeing a therapist for over a year twice a month and it has helped me a lot. Seeing this therapist has helped me even admit what happened to me when I was younger. I am also on an anti-depressant, but even that only helps so much. This semester has turned out terrible, I considered dropping out of college and returning home even though I only have a year of classes left. I feel that my world is a broken vehicle I've been trying to drive for the last two years, and I'm at the point where I need to have the engine rebuilt or else I'm going to go no where.
I need to hear from other men who've had this happen to them if what I am going through is normal, and what I can do to try to repair it. I constantly make myself feel like a victim, and use that as an excuse for failure. At the same time my professors don't know about my problems so they just see me as another lazy student. Has anyone in a similar situation as me had to deal with professors to try to get them to understand what is happening? Should I come out and tell them what happened to me? Is there a discreet way to help them understand?
Also what are some good resources online, and offline, to visit in order to meet other men sexually abused as children? My university is in a small town so I'm not so sure what I could find out here. I haven't been to church in many years, are they even a good resource to consider?