Hi, im a victim of child sexual abuse,and it would be great if there were a tv program that deals with child abuse. On the 20th of this month, PBS had Breaking the Silence, which dealt with child sexual abuse. I wrote them a letter and wanted to know what I can do to improve it. I am not a leader. If you agree that there should be a program on tv that can help others know about child abuse (not only sexual abuse but also mental, and physical), please email PBS a letter at https://www.pbs.org/teachersource/teachermail.shtm.
I was going to post my letter, but i guess it doesnt really matter. I just ask PBS to have a tv program that has to do with child abuse.
I was going to post my letter, but i guess it doesnt really matter. I just ask PBS to have a tv program that has to do with child abuse.