


New Registrant
Hi, im a victim of child sexual abuse,and it would be great if there were a tv program that deals with child abuse. On the 20th of this month, PBS had Breaking the Silence, which dealt with child sexual abuse. I wrote them a letter and wanted to know what I can do to improve it. I am not a leader. If you agree that there should be a program on tv that can help others know about child abuse (not only sexual abuse but also mental, and physical), please email PBS a letter at https://www.pbs.org/teachersource/teachermail.shtm.
I was going to post my letter, but i guess it doesnt really matter. I just ask PBS to have a tv program that has to do with child abuse.

I think that schools must take more of an active role in screening for signs of abuse. Teacher education programs should require at least a semester worth of training and the signs of abuse.

In New York a 2 hour workshop is all that is required in order to secure a teaching certificate.

Health Education Classes should present students with information regarding the changes that occur during adolescents. The discussion should include more then body changes. The topics of verbal, emotional and physical abuse should also be presented.
I am in higher education so I don't get children in my classes, but from what I hear from young survivors here on MS there is a lot to be desired. Warning signs are taken as signals of physical abuse, and acknowledgement of sexual abuse of boys still seems to be limited. Is that because schools don't want to provoke controversy?

Teachers who figure out something is terribly wrong often have no idea what to do next. One kid here, for example, was approached by a caring teacher who gave him a big hug when the kid didn't see it coming - he practically climbed the wall!

Because I have no clue about the mechanics behind public broadcasting or public awareness programs, or even teacher education requirements, I can't suggest what to do about all this. But surely something needs to be done.

We can see this right here on MS.
