I'm the ultimate COWARD
The pain of my abuse is nothing compared to the incredible guilt and shame that I feel for not telling anyone for the past 26 years. By the end of this month, over a million people (1,000,000) will know my name and what happened to me. I'm so scared.
I was around 10 when it started. It continued for over a year. He was a guy who lived down the street. We were very poor and I did any odd job for a dollar or two. He gave me $5 for shoveling snow and he invited me inside to warm up. He served hot chocolate and he even let me look at Playboy Magazines. On my birthday he gave me a BB gun. I thought I was the luckiest kid in the world!! A year later, I wasn't feeling so lucky. I finally got away from him. I tried my best to forget what happened to me.
I got kicked out of high school. I got a GED instead. I was lucky enough to meet this wonderful girl who encouraged me to go back to school. I did well at the Community College and transferred to a 4 year school. My girlfried and I broke up but I was able to work through the pain and memories of abuse to graduate.
****HERE COMES THE GOOD PART**** I then entered the Police Academy and have had a stellar 13 year career complete with over a dozen commendations for all kinds of bull shit. I've saved 2 peoples lives and had a huge impact on dozens more.
I've thought about what that man did to me every single day, yet I continued to go to the bank every week and cash my paycheck from my job as a "public servant". I WAS SUPPOSE TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC AND ALL I DID WAS PROTECT MYSELF. I AM SUCH A COWARD!!!How many children did this man abuse while I was making my way to the bank???? I feel so ashamed.
Its all going to come out. I hunted down my abuser this past Thursday 75 miles from where I grew up. There were 20 children playing on the street when I drove by. I almost threw up. I had to tell someone. I talked to some of the neighbors.
I contacted the local police today. The statue of limitations has long expired in my case so we are starting an investigation into the possibility of recent or current victims. What ever comes out in the investigation, I've talked to a newspaper reporter about my story. I thought that me being a higly decorated police officer would be a nice "twist" to the story (its an unusaul story and people would go out of their way to read it and talk to their kids about sexual abuse issues). Even if he has been clean for years (not likely) I've got to warn the public about him (especially the parents of thoses 20 children playing in the street). As soon as that story gets out, it will make its way to my city. The media will go FUCKING CRAZY!!!! THERE IS OVER ONE MILLION PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN A 50 MILE RADIUS OF MY HOUSE.
I feel like a phoney. I didn't even try to protect the children from this monster. I'm so ashamed. I feel so guilty. I'm a coward. And in a few weeks everyone will know it. I feel like a 10 year old boy. I'm so scared. I don't blame any of you for hating me.
[ 05-10-2001: Message edited by: Brian B14 ]
I was around 10 when it started. It continued for over a year. He was a guy who lived down the street. We were very poor and I did any odd job for a dollar or two. He gave me $5 for shoveling snow and he invited me inside to warm up. He served hot chocolate and he even let me look at Playboy Magazines. On my birthday he gave me a BB gun. I thought I was the luckiest kid in the world!! A year later, I wasn't feeling so lucky. I finally got away from him. I tried my best to forget what happened to me.
I got kicked out of high school. I got a GED instead. I was lucky enough to meet this wonderful girl who encouraged me to go back to school. I did well at the Community College and transferred to a 4 year school. My girlfried and I broke up but I was able to work through the pain and memories of abuse to graduate.
****HERE COMES THE GOOD PART**** I then entered the Police Academy and have had a stellar 13 year career complete with over a dozen commendations for all kinds of bull shit. I've saved 2 peoples lives and had a huge impact on dozens more.
I've thought about what that man did to me every single day, yet I continued to go to the bank every week and cash my paycheck from my job as a "public servant". I WAS SUPPOSE TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC AND ALL I DID WAS PROTECT MYSELF. I AM SUCH A COWARD!!!How many children did this man abuse while I was making my way to the bank???? I feel so ashamed.
Its all going to come out. I hunted down my abuser this past Thursday 75 miles from where I grew up. There were 20 children playing on the street when I drove by. I almost threw up. I had to tell someone. I talked to some of the neighbors.
I contacted the local police today. The statue of limitations has long expired in my case so we are starting an investigation into the possibility of recent or current victims. What ever comes out in the investigation, I've talked to a newspaper reporter about my story. I thought that me being a higly decorated police officer would be a nice "twist" to the story (its an unusaul story and people would go out of their way to read it and talk to their kids about sexual abuse issues). Even if he has been clean for years (not likely) I've got to warn the public about him (especially the parents of thoses 20 children playing in the street). As soon as that story gets out, it will make its way to my city. The media will go FUCKING CRAZY!!!! THERE IS OVER ONE MILLION PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN A 50 MILE RADIUS OF MY HOUSE.
I feel like a phoney. I didn't even try to protect the children from this monster. I'm so ashamed. I feel so guilty. I'm a coward. And in a few weeks everyone will know it. I feel like a 10 year old boy. I'm so scared. I don't blame any of you for hating me.
[ 05-10-2001: Message edited by: Brian B14 ]