Im sorry
Despair is the only Truth
I dont think i wanted to say what i did, but ifeel what i feel and i have no one who will listen and no one who really seems to understand.
I feel as though i have hit a wall. I hate to think i have lost my grip on reality, but i feel as though i may be more than conventional therapy can handle. I don't understand why i don't heal, why no matter what i try that last piece of the puzzle always elludes me, in a very real and temporal sense.
I know i am a stranger on these boards once again do to my abscence, but i am desperately in need of something that feels REAL. Something that is meaningful, even if painful, in my life.
To this end, i am torn. My brother raped me when i was five, this i know. What i dont know is the whole truth, the circumstances surounding the rape. After i confronted him, things did not get any better. They gotworse actually. He apologized, cried, got into therapy, and, i am hoping, is going to write letters to everyone in my family telling them the truth about what he did. Im not sure what anyone in my family is going to do or say, everything has seemed to go completely bonkers in this world. I cant tell if "so what?" is a normal response when you tell people you have been abused anymore. (Not in so many words, but you get the idea)
So what it comes down to is this. I want to know the truth, and i am tired of pussyfooting around. I am sick of worrying about being afraid and fearing that i will never know or maybe i dont really want to know. There is a solid block in my mind, somthing i don't know how to reach, but i feel it prominently when i am competiting, moreso when i am trying to tap my creative potential. I feel it when i am tryingto grasp the nature of myself, when i try and remember the huge blocks in my memory. And, being a rational human being who believes in a hopefully ordered universe, i believe there is a reason, a reason set in corporal existance and meaningful not in the long run, not as part of the vast cycle of life, but something that is applicable to daily life. I don't know what this reason is, a chemical imbalance in the brain, a neural pathway that has been wired messily, a fundamental flaw in my nature that keeps me from percieving a stumbling block i keep hitting over and over, i don't know. But, i am begging to believe that it may have been the result of deliberate tampering.
Nobody puts much faith in conspiracy theories or paranoids, and nobody blames anyone else for doing so. But closing our eyes to these things does not change the fact that historicaly documented cases of conspiracy and attrocity are real. I remember things, from my childhood, sketchy and bizarre. I know there are huge gaps, entire pieces of childhood and even adolescense, gone, not from the gentle erosion of time, but seomthing else.
I have begun reading about ritual abuse, and it is a paranoid world that i am delving into. First, i will say that there are documented cases about mind-control, de-classified and open to the viewing public, i.e. the manchurian canidate and project monarch. Though the term mind-control is misleading, it is more like taking advantage of the minds mental processes under extreme duress, manipulating, demanding, suggesting, ect., but never, i believe, actual control.
The problem with a legitimate conspiracy is tht it has less credibility than a fake one. You can show people hard evidence, documentation, modes of operation, quote hundreds, if not thousands, of witnesses, and still, you will be ignored. Because, i think, a legitiamte conspiracy can not exist without the publics apathetic acceptance.
The story starts during world war two. America is smuggling scientists out of germany to secure thier reasearch perfromed on the jews. Again, historical fact. Much of the medical knowledge gained in the last half century is the result of the inhumane experimentation on the jews during the holocaust. Among this research, rocket science, biological warfare, and what is dubbed, "mind control research."
Using pavlovian conditioning and dissiasociative response, it is thought possible to control a persons behavior using compartmentalization and hypnotic "triggers". This is not stage hypnosis. This is being strapped to a table and told there are five lights on the cieling when you know there are only four. Then you are tortured until you SAY there are five lights. Eventually, you are turtured until you actually BELIEVE there are five lights. Nobody wants to believe this sort of thing is possible, because it touches at the very heart of free will, and our understanding of what it is.
I am off topic, i apologize. As these war criminals left germany, a form of mysticism spread with the teaching of these mind control techniques, cabala. It was more of a cover than any real adherance to religion, some aspects im sure would appeal to men who worship power, but would be paid lip service at best. Using this religion, these men supposedly spread cmall cults throughout isolated rural communities, using familial indoctrination, child abuse, and incest, as well as torture, humilation, and the aforementioned techniques. They did this, as so many men do, not for any goal or vengence, but for the essence of having the power to commit attrocity, to take pleasure in inflicting pain on others.
These cults have spread, it is said, throughout the world. I am afraid now, because i don't think i can go on believing that the world is a safe and secure place, that there are things in the world that exist like this, and that they affect us more than we are willing to know.
As for my history, i remember strange things. Getting drugged for an EEG. Finding a diassembled asault rifle in my mothers closet when she had a guest over i never saw again. Being lead through a large battery of tests, evaluations, incredibly fuzzy memories surounding the schools i attended during elementary. Not fuzzy as in half remembered, fuzzy as in not knowing the names of the schools, being spanked in front of an entire classroom on my birthday. One for each year, litarally, birthday spankings. I do not remember anyone else in my second grade class going through that ordeal. I remeber my moms boyfriends, and guess what? All of them: ex-vietnam veterans, and one surveyer who she claimed used to work in the CIA. Another established, sad fact, vietnam is a major distrubuter of herion into the united states, through disgruntled vietnam veterans. Again, something i wouldn't blame you for not believing. But, check out your local methodone clinics. This is what they give your lifers, a subtitute for herion that is an addiction in and of itself. There are a disproportianate number of vietnam veterans who got hooked on junk during the war.
Another tangent, sorry. The point: my mother and father, both herion addicts. My early childhood is like a broken slide projector, where all the slides get mixed up, everything is shot in the wrong order and you see clips that arent supposed to be there at all. There are many things, that come and go, that contribute to me thinking that i must keep an open mind, that a tangeble explaination to feeling pain disproportianate to what i remember exists.
So, i guess i am saying i need you here to bear witness to the choice i have to make in understanding what has happened to me. I am making a commitment to finding out the truth, and i am afraid. But if there are evils in the world that we fear so much that we can not contemplate thier existance comfortably, all the more reason to confront those demons, to drive them back, to show the world that compassion on a scale of the holocaust is possible. This sounds like a bad anology, but if you think about it, what events in human history can compare to attrocity? Selective memory i guess. But i believe it is possible for this world to really change. And that includes these sorts of things, the things nobody talks about and everybody is afraid of.
The truth, unfortunetely, is subjective. I have seen to many multiples with DID, or dissaciocastive identity disorder, who have completely given into parnoia and fear, to the point where they have lost all credibility, even to those with open minds and compassion in thier hearts. On the other is complete denial, the false memory syndrome foundation run by and for pedophiles and apologists. So i will keep my eyes open, my heart unburdened, and carry within me the belief in knowledge and compassion as one and the same, that the essential truth that is the self is eternal and, if not invincible, certainly undeniable to the whole of the universe. Thank you for listening to me, i hope thier is someone among you whom i can count on for support and understanding. You HAVE helped me, but i think it is time i took this part of my healing in my own hands, and stopped flinging myself at others feet for answers to my own deliemas.
Thank you, friends.
I feel as though i have hit a wall. I hate to think i have lost my grip on reality, but i feel as though i may be more than conventional therapy can handle. I don't understand why i don't heal, why no matter what i try that last piece of the puzzle always elludes me, in a very real and temporal sense.
I know i am a stranger on these boards once again do to my abscence, but i am desperately in need of something that feels REAL. Something that is meaningful, even if painful, in my life.
To this end, i am torn. My brother raped me when i was five, this i know. What i dont know is the whole truth, the circumstances surounding the rape. After i confronted him, things did not get any better. They gotworse actually. He apologized, cried, got into therapy, and, i am hoping, is going to write letters to everyone in my family telling them the truth about what he did. Im not sure what anyone in my family is going to do or say, everything has seemed to go completely bonkers in this world. I cant tell if "so what?" is a normal response when you tell people you have been abused anymore. (Not in so many words, but you get the idea)
So what it comes down to is this. I want to know the truth, and i am tired of pussyfooting around. I am sick of worrying about being afraid and fearing that i will never know or maybe i dont really want to know. There is a solid block in my mind, somthing i don't know how to reach, but i feel it prominently when i am competiting, moreso when i am trying to tap my creative potential. I feel it when i am tryingto grasp the nature of myself, when i try and remember the huge blocks in my memory. And, being a rational human being who believes in a hopefully ordered universe, i believe there is a reason, a reason set in corporal existance and meaningful not in the long run, not as part of the vast cycle of life, but something that is applicable to daily life. I don't know what this reason is, a chemical imbalance in the brain, a neural pathway that has been wired messily, a fundamental flaw in my nature that keeps me from percieving a stumbling block i keep hitting over and over, i don't know. But, i am begging to believe that it may have been the result of deliberate tampering.
Nobody puts much faith in conspiracy theories or paranoids, and nobody blames anyone else for doing so. But closing our eyes to these things does not change the fact that historicaly documented cases of conspiracy and attrocity are real. I remember things, from my childhood, sketchy and bizarre. I know there are huge gaps, entire pieces of childhood and even adolescense, gone, not from the gentle erosion of time, but seomthing else.
I have begun reading about ritual abuse, and it is a paranoid world that i am delving into. First, i will say that there are documented cases about mind-control, de-classified and open to the viewing public, i.e. the manchurian canidate and project monarch. Though the term mind-control is misleading, it is more like taking advantage of the minds mental processes under extreme duress, manipulating, demanding, suggesting, ect., but never, i believe, actual control.
The problem with a legitimate conspiracy is tht it has less credibility than a fake one. You can show people hard evidence, documentation, modes of operation, quote hundreds, if not thousands, of witnesses, and still, you will be ignored. Because, i think, a legitiamte conspiracy can not exist without the publics apathetic acceptance.
The story starts during world war two. America is smuggling scientists out of germany to secure thier reasearch perfromed on the jews. Again, historical fact. Much of the medical knowledge gained in the last half century is the result of the inhumane experimentation on the jews during the holocaust. Among this research, rocket science, biological warfare, and what is dubbed, "mind control research."
Using pavlovian conditioning and dissiasociative response, it is thought possible to control a persons behavior using compartmentalization and hypnotic "triggers". This is not stage hypnosis. This is being strapped to a table and told there are five lights on the cieling when you know there are only four. Then you are tortured until you SAY there are five lights. Eventually, you are turtured until you actually BELIEVE there are five lights. Nobody wants to believe this sort of thing is possible, because it touches at the very heart of free will, and our understanding of what it is.
I am off topic, i apologize. As these war criminals left germany, a form of mysticism spread with the teaching of these mind control techniques, cabala. It was more of a cover than any real adherance to religion, some aspects im sure would appeal to men who worship power, but would be paid lip service at best. Using this religion, these men supposedly spread cmall cults throughout isolated rural communities, using familial indoctrination, child abuse, and incest, as well as torture, humilation, and the aforementioned techniques. They did this, as so many men do, not for any goal or vengence, but for the essence of having the power to commit attrocity, to take pleasure in inflicting pain on others.
These cults have spread, it is said, throughout the world. I am afraid now, because i don't think i can go on believing that the world is a safe and secure place, that there are things in the world that exist like this, and that they affect us more than we are willing to know.
As for my history, i remember strange things. Getting drugged for an EEG. Finding a diassembled asault rifle in my mothers closet when she had a guest over i never saw again. Being lead through a large battery of tests, evaluations, incredibly fuzzy memories surounding the schools i attended during elementary. Not fuzzy as in half remembered, fuzzy as in not knowing the names of the schools, being spanked in front of an entire classroom on my birthday. One for each year, litarally, birthday spankings. I do not remember anyone else in my second grade class going through that ordeal. I remeber my moms boyfriends, and guess what? All of them: ex-vietnam veterans, and one surveyer who she claimed used to work in the CIA. Another established, sad fact, vietnam is a major distrubuter of herion into the united states, through disgruntled vietnam veterans. Again, something i wouldn't blame you for not believing. But, check out your local methodone clinics. This is what they give your lifers, a subtitute for herion that is an addiction in and of itself. There are a disproportianate number of vietnam veterans who got hooked on junk during the war.
Another tangent, sorry. The point: my mother and father, both herion addicts. My early childhood is like a broken slide projector, where all the slides get mixed up, everything is shot in the wrong order and you see clips that arent supposed to be there at all. There are many things, that come and go, that contribute to me thinking that i must keep an open mind, that a tangeble explaination to feeling pain disproportianate to what i remember exists.
So, i guess i am saying i need you here to bear witness to the choice i have to make in understanding what has happened to me. I am making a commitment to finding out the truth, and i am afraid. But if there are evils in the world that we fear so much that we can not contemplate thier existance comfortably, all the more reason to confront those demons, to drive them back, to show the world that compassion on a scale of the holocaust is possible. This sounds like a bad anology, but if you think about it, what events in human history can compare to attrocity? Selective memory i guess. But i believe it is possible for this world to really change. And that includes these sorts of things, the things nobody talks about and everybody is afraid of.
The truth, unfortunetely, is subjective. I have seen to many multiples with DID, or dissaciocastive identity disorder, who have completely given into parnoia and fear, to the point where they have lost all credibility, even to those with open minds and compassion in thier hearts. On the other is complete denial, the false memory syndrome foundation run by and for pedophiles and apologists. So i will keep my eyes open, my heart unburdened, and carry within me the belief in knowledge and compassion as one and the same, that the essential truth that is the self is eternal and, if not invincible, certainly undeniable to the whole of the universe. Thank you for listening to me, i hope thier is someone among you whom i can count on for support and understanding. You HAVE helped me, but i think it is time i took this part of my healing in my own hands, and stopped flinging myself at others feet for answers to my own deliemas.
Thank you, friends.