I'm okay means something else

I'm okay means something else
I've recently revealed to 3 close friends, my sister, and parents about my abuse by a male cousin and 2 female babysisters. Now that I've told them about the abuse I don't want to pretend with them that nothing is wrong. When they ask me how I'm doing or if I'm okay. I don't want to say that I'm okay like I use to in the past because I'm not okay I'm hanging on I'm struggling. Part of me wants to make them feel better and not worry by saying I'm okay but I just want to say the truth ... I'm doing shitty that "I'm hanging on" that "its about the same." I'm just trying to make through today. So what am I suppose to say to them?
BtR - you've told them about the abuse! That's the first step (and a very big one at that).

I struggled for a long time (decades) before telling my sister (who probably cares about me more than anyone else in the world - and I do know that others care about me too). *Her reaction was excellent when I did finally tell!

You can feed your family information and see how they respond - I have a scale with some of my friends, 1-10. If I'm feeling down & they can see that I am they ask me where I am on the scale. 1 is ok - 10 is section me (although I haven't been yet)!

Trust is a 2 way thing - some people want to help us, but we have to be honest with them & V:V.

Best wishes ..Rik