I'm sorry you need this place, but I'm so glad to see you and so VERY proud that you took the step.
The first one is always the hardest, but you'll find, with time, even when it sure as Hell doesn't FEEL like it, the steps afterward get easier.
The pain itself seems so much. The memories, the words, what those m***********s made you believe, weigh a lot and hurt worse than the fires of Hell. But someone once told me that pain is like a huge rock. At first, it takes ALL you've got to lift it, deal with it, and you're tired by the end of the day (nope, exhausted!). But with time and help, you get stronger and the rock doesn't weigh as much. It gets easier to lift and deal with it.
Knowing what I've seen, you are a strong person already, stronger than you realize right now. You've got a lot to contribute, and I can't wait to hear what you have to say, I'll bet you're an interesting person and a great guy.
When you're ready, tell what you have to. We'll be here and we're ready to help.
Now, as everyone who "knows" me here can tell you, there's something I always tell the new guys I "meet," and it seems like a bit much. When you consider, though, what you've been through, and the lies you've probably been told, you haven't heard it enough. I mean it when I say it, too. I love you, my new friend. I wish you healing and peace, and there's NO STRINGS ATTACHED. I want NOTHING in return from you.
Peace and much love, my friend,