i'm new

Hi Joel, sorry you have to find this place, but I guess you are glad you did.


i dont really know what
to say, i never did anything
like this before and its kind
of wierd, plus evrytime i
try and talk about it i just
sound so stupid.
i dunno, i give up
Joe - you've found the site which is a good starting point. You don't have to say anything that you don't want to. You can learn a lot just from reading what everyone else says. If you feel the time is right, then post what you like.

You will find a lot of support here.

Best wishes ...Rik

Welcome. This site is great. There are a lot of great guys here. It pretty much saved me last summer.

Take what you need, contribute what you can. You're safe here.

No worries dawg, we were all new once and I for one had no idea what to say. take your time and settle in... make yourself at home.

Welcome to Male Survivor. You no longer have to worry about what you say. We are here for you. We all have had difficulty talking to others about our SA issues. No one else seems to understand. Everyone here DOES understand, Joel, because unfortunately we have all lived through it. As a result, the guys here will not judge you nor make you feel ashamed or guilty.

Don't ever give up, buddy. We'll help you as much as you allow us to. That's what it's about here, helping other while we help ourselves.
don't give up, come and talk. It makes things easier for guys like us.

And don't worry about 'sounding stupid' - this isn't one of those sites where new guys are treated like idiots, we've been through it as well so we want to help in any way we can

Joel - Welcome. You're off to a good start just by introducing yourself here. I wish we couldhavemet under more pleasant circumstances, but then maybe we wouldn't have met at all.

As someone said above, you are safe here. Talk when you feel like it, read what feels right, watch for trigger warnings. The more we let it out, the easier it gets to accept.

As you can see from all the responses above, there's a great group of human beings here. If you need an ear during a rough patch, send me a PM. In the meantime, be weel and be gentle to yourself. Peace - John

Welcome to the Male Survivor Web Site.

A lot of great guys here.
Welcome, Joel. As you can see, there are a lot of great guys here who I'm proud to call friends and brothers. Hang around and get to know them, share what you want, and learn from others. I'm glad you found this place to help in your healing.
i would like to welcome you to the best and safest place on the net. i love my brothers here and they have helped me so much in healing. they have saved my life. and before i came here i didnt trust anyone for nothing but i trust my brothers and friends here at MS. you will find the same thing. you will never be judged here and nothing you say here is stupid. you are not alone your going to be ok. you took a big step and came here. as you can see you have guys here that want to help you heal if you will let us. you never have to tell anything you dont want to. and you can tell us stuff when you are ready and we will always respeact you and understand.

im Wild Lightning
I am a survivor of abuse, child sexual abuse, and rape.
Stand up now, stand together, speak together, and together we can stop the hurt!
Now lets go out there and conquer the world!

Welcome to Male Survivor. I think one thing worth stressing is that there are no rules. It is absolutely normal to feel awkward at first, and everyone understands that. Just take things at a pace you are comfortable with. You will gradually get to see how things work here and become more at ease with the group. We are all here for the same reason, and nothing you can say here would shock anyone or make them blame you.

Take care,
wow, thanks everyone
you all seem real nice, i was surprized to see all the replies. normally i would think "so what the hell do you want from me then" if you're being so nice, you know?

i can say a little bit now about the abuse stuff.. my real father sexualy/physicaly abused me some growing up till my mother kicked him out. Her boyfriend has been physicaly/verbaly abusive pretty much since he moved in. about a yr ago i was leaving a party, i was pretty wasted, got jumped from behind, i never saw it coming, there were 3 of them and they kept me for the weekend. I cant really talk about it though, sorry.
other then that, i live with my older brother and work at his company, he's ok, kind of OCD but i just ignore him mostly, i go to college part time.
thats about it.
Joel welcome sorry you had to find us the way you have however this site is safe and the guys here really do care.We all are at different points in our journey but that does not stop us from meeting each other and sharing.

Take what you need,read what you want and can handle don't try to rush yourself as it takes time to heal from the abuse we all suffered.Like you I was abused by my father so I can relate to that side of things.

I also welcome you here, as everyone else has. I regret that you have need to be here, but I am glad that you managed to find here. You are welcome. And please know that you do not have to speak anything until you are ready. There is no map, there is no timetable in which you speak or heal. We all do what we can, as we can. Again, welcome here.
