I'm having trouble dealing with the fact that my Mother was my abuser..
...incest...my mother...a parent..someone in this life who is actually responsible for someone elase...a parent is supposed to protect you..guide you..but my mother betrayed me and left me with an emotional/intellectual system that is so screwed up that it caused me to continuously punish myself.
I am having trouble dealing with this concept...my mother...all these years I cound deal with her being an alcoholic and a verbally abusive bitch...but when the final bit fell into play..when the incest was finally named..out of the shadows...it has really been a blow.
Tonight was bad...I shut down for two hours..I raged in the bedroom..I hyperventallated...I had massive panic...and at the heart of it all was the pain from this woman's betrayal. I am a broken human being who is trying to heal and get fixed, but the pain is so great...my own mother...
I am having trouble dealing with this concept...my mother...all these years I cound deal with her being an alcoholic and a verbally abusive bitch...but when the final bit fell into play..when the incest was finally named..out of the shadows...it has really been a blow.
Tonight was bad...I shut down for two hours..I raged in the bedroom..I hyperventallated...I had massive panic...and at the heart of it all was the pain from this woman's betrayal. I am a broken human being who is trying to heal and get fixed, but the pain is so great...my own mother...