I'm feeling bad today (MAY TRIGGER!)

I'm feeling bad today (MAY TRIGGER!)


Not very often anymore, but i feel decidely depressed and sad today.

The same questions linger - why did this stuff happen to me? Why aren't I "normal" (whatever the heck THAT is)? Am I a bad person?

Easy enough to answer when you're feeling good. Not so much when you're down.

Ah, Hell, I'm so TIRED of feeling this way over crap that wasn't my choice!




Sorry that you're feeling down, buddy. It's not fair that you have to go through these periods of depression over these issues. You certainly didn't deserve it. No one deserves it.

I wonder if (hope that) our perps go through depression over this as well. Doesn't help us though.

If you need to vent, you have my email address, bud.
Scot, it is the time of the year when we reflect on what happened in the year, and wonder? What, have I done?

Just being you is the key, I don't know why this happens to anyone, but you are normal. Spending so many years thinking! Am I normal?

No, I am not normal, I dont know what normal is.

Re-join the pack,

you are needed,

Scot, you always have the option of the PM, we care, I care,

I've seen 'normal' and I don't like it, I'd rather be me, whoever that might be?

Maybe it's just post christmas blues? something like post natal and post abuse blues? ;)

Scot - I don't think there's such a thing as normal, unless it means having issues.

Since I opened up to friends and others, I have found out about all sorts of issues and concerns that they have. It appears that people without issues are the rarity rather than the reality.

So with that definition, yes you are normal & so am I.

Best wishes & hope you have a bright New Year..RIk

Some days are just plain crap when it comes to dealing with this, and there's no way to put pretty frosting on it. Hold on and think of good times ahead, they are coming. It will get better and better eventually.
I guess we all have those bad days.

BUT....then the next day it always seems to be better. It is a beautiful night here, warm with a slight breeze. I have walked the dog a couple of times. The wife is putting up some family pictures and seems happy (which damn sure helps me!)

Stay in there brother, I am just now facing this roller coaster, but I believe that in facing it, my life and the life of those around me will be better!