I'm back **may trigger**
Sorry I've been gone for a while. I'm doing bettr now. It's been a rough 2 months but some light is starting to shine through. It's been 3 weeks now and no hospital so I really happy and I'm home for father's day so my kids love that and that's a plus 2. Oh, Happy fathers day everyone. I'm still havin a hard time but i no i get thru it. I gonna ramble for a bit. sometimes i wish life would jus give me a break like haven't i been thru enough. I just sometimes wish it would stop. Right when I think it over, somethin else happens. and why is it when somethin happens i want to deny it right away even tho ino what happened and why do i alway's blame me. It like even tho it no my fault i alway's blame me an no mattr what anyone say's, 2 me it my fault. I would explain here but i gonna post it in survivor storyies today. i jus got 2 think positive. My T say i have 2 see a Dr. and report it 2 the cops but i can't. he say i sould atleast go 2 a Doc but then i no want them 2 call the cops. I can no do that. I 28. How do i explain that one. N what if they say i wanted it n what. sorry