I'm awake again
Ooops, maybe too many MMMMMMMMM's.
Just dropping by to say Hi and to tell you that you sound like you got those "successful shakes."
You know, you accomplish something and you start to wonder if it's really "yours," did you really "earn it," "deserve it."
Raising your head above the shit pile can be difficult.
You say, I'm not a pile. I have worth, I am somebody, not something other than human.
Maybe those aren't your particular words, but are they close?
You sound like you've got your stuff somewhat together and now it's seeing your self in a new light.
What kind of law would you like to practice?
I'm just across the river in Portland and I've been thinking about getting some of the guys together over here.
I'm sorry for the reason that you're here but glad you've found this site and have joined us, welcome.
Your brother in the struggle,
Ooops, maybe too many MMMMMMMMM's.
Just dropping by to say Hi and to tell you that you sound like you got those "successful shakes."
You know, you accomplish something and you start to wonder if it's really "yours," did you really "earn it," "deserve it."
Raising your head above the shit pile can be difficult.
You say, I'm not a pile. I have worth, I am somebody, not something other than human.
Maybe those aren't your particular words, but are they close?
You sound like you've got your stuff somewhat together and now it's seeing your self in a new light.
What kind of law would you like to practice?
I'm just across the river in Portland and I've been thinking about getting some of the guys together over here.
I'm sorry for the reason that you're here but glad you've found this site and have joined us, welcome.
Your brother in the struggle,