i'm afraid
for the first time since my abuse ended i'm afraid really afraid.i'm afraid to talk i'm afraid to think ,afraid to write .i don't know if the next word or thought will bring out something i don't want to know .how could one life be so fuc--d up?all of this is too much too fast ,i need to heal but how can i ,which things do i try to heal? there is not enough room in my head for all of this ,even if i solved all the other problems ,i can never bring my brother back ,i can never forget what i did ,but i was able to forget it all for 13 years ,then all at once the memories are back .that just don't happen i can't tell what is real anymore are these my memeories or something that they planted in my head ,but i saw his grave ,i saw the picture ,i do remember . if i believe that then i have to believe my dad had reasons for hating me ,there were reasons why everything happened ,it wasn't just bad luck ,i broke my dads heart when i took away his son. can you blame hin for saying it should have been me ?