If You Don't Laugh You'll Cry!
Guys I've got to share this. After all laughter is good medicene.
And speaking of medicene...
My wife is going thru a hormone thing, and she's been having trouble sleeping.
Well, today she brot home her prescription sleeping pill. On the label it says "Take one capsule at bedtime as needed for sleep."
Then there is a warning label which says "May cause drowsiness."
No I am not kidding! A sleeping pill with a warning that it might make you sleepy!
Imagine that? What will they think of next!?
How about a laxative that "may cause bowel movements?!"
As if this weren't bad enuf, the list of side effects includes drowsiness!
And did you know that if you have said side effect of drowsiness while taking this sleep aid, you are to "notify your doctor promptly"?
Yeah, I'm gonna wake up to call my doctor in the middle of the night & say, "Hey doc help. That sleeping pill you gave me is making me drowsy!"
Talk about a waste of good trees (paper) & ink!
That's about as bad as getting your coffee at McDonald's and reading on the cup those vital words of wisdom: "Caution: The contents of this cup may be hot"!
All becuz some brain-challenged character spilled McD's coffee on himself and won a million dollar lawsuit!
No doubt some genius took this sleeping pill in the middle of the day, got sleepy, had a fender bender, and sued the pharmaceutical company that made it.
No wonder our medical insurance & costs, not to mention our taxes, are so astronomically high!
Not to mention the rising costs of paper & ink.
If I didn't laugh, I'd cry...
Actually when I read it, I did both!
(That's me, ROFLMAO!)
OK, you knew I have a weird sense of humor!
Anyway, it sure gave me a big dose of good medicene!
And speaking of medicene...
My wife is going thru a hormone thing, and she's been having trouble sleeping.
Well, today she brot home her prescription sleeping pill. On the label it says "Take one capsule at bedtime as needed for sleep."
Then there is a warning label which says "May cause drowsiness."
No I am not kidding! A sleeping pill with a warning that it might make you sleepy!
Imagine that? What will they think of next!?
How about a laxative that "may cause bowel movements?!"
As if this weren't bad enuf, the list of side effects includes drowsiness!
And did you know that if you have said side effect of drowsiness while taking this sleep aid, you are to "notify your doctor promptly"?
Yeah, I'm gonna wake up to call my doctor in the middle of the night & say, "Hey doc help. That sleeping pill you gave me is making me drowsy!"
Talk about a waste of good trees (paper) & ink!
That's about as bad as getting your coffee at McDonald's and reading on the cup those vital words of wisdom: "Caution: The contents of this cup may be hot"!
All becuz some brain-challenged character spilled McD's coffee on himself and won a million dollar lawsuit!
No doubt some genius took this sleeping pill in the middle of the day, got sleepy, had a fender bender, and sued the pharmaceutical company that made it.
No wonder our medical insurance & costs, not to mention our taxes, are so astronomically high!
Not to mention the rising costs of paper & ink.
If I didn't laugh, I'd cry...
Actually when I read it, I did both!
(That's me, ROFLMAO!)
OK, you knew I have a weird sense of humor!
Anyway, it sure gave me a big dose of good medicene!