First of all, talk about whatever you need to talk about here - really, ANYTHING. Same with things you need to ask. If you need to say things that refer to specifics of abuse in a graphic or detailed way the site asks that you put a "trigger" warning at the top of your post. But those issues too can be discussed here.
On your feelings for your step-father, those are just the normal feelings that a boy would have for an adult caregiver. A boy can be abused by an adult and still care for that person intensely. For example, when the man who abused me was chased off I missed him terribly and felt like I was being rejected and abandoned.
And bear in mind that abusers also manipulate and distort how a boy sees things. It's not at all uncommon for a boy to feel that the abuse was all his idea and his fault, thanks to the mind-games the abuser plays. I don't know enough about what happened with your stepfather, but I can guess he made you think that you were a failure and a disappointment. Once a boy feels worthless, there is just about nothing he won't do for attention and affection. As a boy you might have thought that the sexual "favors" he wanted were the least you could offer.
The problem is that these feelings don't disappear just because the boy grows up. They linger beneath the surface and affect us in all sorts of ways. In your post you refer to some of these.
Finally, there is nothing wrong in talking about all this. The wrong is what HE did then, not what YOU are doing now. All you are doing is asserting your right to get your life back. Good for you!
Much love,