Identify yourself ?

Identify yourself ?


There's a post on the Family & Friends forum discussing whether we need to identify ourselves as female or male when we post to avoid confusion as many people use gender free nicknames, and some names are used by both sexes.

If it was possible, would a small icon denoting our sex by our names and avatars do the job?

I don't see that it would make any difference myself, and it would certainly avoid confusion such as has happened a few times that I know of.

Any ideas ????


I think maybe a good idea to have an avatar or something to identify male abuse survivor.

It is so hard that these women who care for people like us are so much left in the dark over issues we face.

I would urge greater use of all the forums, to see the issues at large.

There is always an issue regarding male abuse survival and how it can affect F&F, so if I get a PM then I always say to them, this is how it affects me, but not how it might be seen in your current relationship.

Maybe the women in F&F could just ask the questions they want of survivors, and one of us could post the link in MS forum, just a thought.


Possibly in the registration process have radial buttons to select whether you are a Male Survivor or Family and Friends, then that place "Survivor" of "Family and Friends" (or "F&F") in the place that "guest" is in the registration info is under the avitar.


For those with avitars, have a color border around the avitars corresponding to which they are. Blue for Male Survivors and some other contrasting color for the Friends and Family.

Okay, that's my 2 cents.
I agree with Bill. My partner may be the only gay F&F member. So if it could show who was a survivor and who was not? But on the other hand I have read things were the women on the site are survivors themselves.

But this is a male survivor website so maybe survivior should be limited to male survivors in distinction. I don't mean anything against female survivors of abuse at all. I know they hurt too.
Maybe it's my rebellious streak and the fact I hate labels, so I'm gonna be the wet blanket here. I don't honestly see how this is going to solve anything. On the web all are anonymous. The truth is anyone could register as male of female, friend or survivor. Do as you will, I just view it as an exercise in futility.
I think it a good idea. I have had communications through PM with another member here that was on for months before I find out it was a lady member. That was not a big issue to me, but it could have been, had I shared more personal information with her, I would have been embarrassed.

On other side, I guess my name could be taken as a girl's, even though I post here in the Male Survivor forum mostly. One person who I had responded to PMed me, and I responded back. In his response, he told me 'you're a doll'. Um, hmm, ok. Interesting. So I am assuming he thought I was female.

Some kind of identifier I think would be good. I know of some people who would be less enthused to be talking with female members here, and that is their right and opinion.

I really do not know how we could make it work reliably. We would have to leave it up to the individual to identify if they are male or female. Maybe a disclaimer to the effect that if it was ascertained to be incorrect or misleading an immediate ban would be made.

Smarter people than I maybe have other ideas.
I think Bill's idea is feasible. To have a different colored border should not be too hard to code, but something on this line sounds good.

As Mike said, it can be hard to spot an individual initially posting as a male when they are female, same as a survivor against some clever manipulator.

But it would not take too long to spot these posters, because they don't know what we go through so they would fall down.

They should be banned for good,
