I was hurt by peter

I was hurt by peter
Peter wanted to be my friend I thought
Peter listened for months
Peter saw me in public and listened more
Peter saw me again in public to gain my trust
Then peter did to me what the father figure did
the first time I met the father figure

I did not understand
I relived one of the worst days of my life
with someone who was a friend

it almost ruined my life

Peter was never your friend. That's the really cruel part of this story. He saw you were vulnerable and, like a seasoned pedophile, he was willing to wait however long it took to reel you in.

I can imagine how this hurt, but it wasn't your fault Michael. You had a right to need and want a friend. You were betrayed.

Much love,

keep safe -

So sorry to hear that someone stooped this low and took advantage of your vulnerability Michael. It shows everyone here that we should be careful who we trust. I for one can not handle having my trust been abused again.
So sorry to hear that..
Doesn't really help with the trust issue either.
Larry is right, he was never your friend.
Sorry you had to find out like that.

I know he was not my friend
I know

I have many friends here I know that
and I have met over 30 men here at retreats and conferences and I trust you from your posts and emails over the years.

and PeteT was never my friend