I took a break, a mistake

I took a break, a mistake
I took a break from MaleSurvivor. Didn't come around much. Oh I would log in and read a few posts but didn't reply much or post very often. I was going slow.

I learned something. I learned that if I am not actively growing, I'm dying. Oh I suppose I could have taken a break from the MS boards and been ok if I had continued to work on healing in some other way but I just took a break from it all and started to slip back to where I was months ago.

So here I am, getting back on track.

Love ya,

Perhaps it just wasn't quite that right time for you to move on huh? Some like to stay even after recovery. I think I will always find my was back here, once in a while, just to see if there is someone with a story that I might be able to share with or relate to or help with.
Hi Darrel,

It's nice to see you here agian. It's not the same without you. I appreciated the PM the other day. I like having you around. Your a good friend.

Yeah, I noticed you were absent a lot, but everyone else has been gone a bunch too. Figured it was just the way things are in the summer.

Glad you're back.

Love you, Bro.


its OK to slow down, I do it.
At least you are showing that you need to take care of yourself, and do things in your own time.

Take it easy,

Same thing sort of happened to me from the middle of June to the first of July. You're right, if you're not growing, you're dying. It's sort of painful to get back into it...denial is such a nice place to be...kidding...sort of.
Glad you're back!
Hi Darrel,

The way I think of it is the way they do physical therapy or exercise - if you can't feel the pain, then it's not working. It's the same with healing emotionally from all this. If we're working at it, but it all feels fluffy and good, well, we're probably not making much progress.

Glad to have you back on board. Your insights are always helpful to me.
Darrel - sometimes I come here and post every night. Other times I say nothing for weeks. There are no rules other than: "We do what is best for us at the time"

This place is about us...this is one place where we are all important! Use it for what you need, that puts you in a better place to help others.

Be strong, best wishes ...Rik
i only stay away when i'm too ashmed of myself to talk .

It's already a great thing when we can view ourselves honestly enough to see what we need to do. I am so glad you returned. I have been erratic myself in past weeks, and I assumed that you were on vacation or busy with other things.

Much love,

I wanted to keep this separate. When you are really ashamed I would say that's when you MOST need to talk. We have all been there.

Much love,