I think I have needed this for a long time.
I just registered. I am currenty seperated and have been for 2 1/2yrs. probably divorcing soon. I was in a emotionally abusive marriage. I was molested for a couple of years by my alcoholic Moms on/off again boy friend at around the ages of 4 & 5. Never dicussed it with anyone. Not even my Mom when she did find out and threw him out. Im 44 now and talked to my sister (20 yrs older) about it for the first time a few weeks ago. She always knew but didn't know how or if she should bring it up. Same for my older brother.
This is how sick my mother was. My sister told me she went to court to get my abuser off when his ex gilfriend charged him with molseting her son. She said she had two sons and he never did anything like that to them even through she probably had not known him for a year yet.
I relate to a lot of things I have seen on here so far. My mother was a real bad alcoholic so I got that abandoment issue thing. She killed her friend in a single car accident and me too, almost, when I was 2. The guilt of that I think kept her drunk most of the time. Dad was alcoholic too and died when I was 6 months old. I always had the guilt/shame, feeling different, inadqueate, shy,insecure, & lack of trust. Got drunk at 14 and found the answer. I medicated with alcohol for about 14 years. After 10 years in the Navy I realized for numerous reasons that I better not drink anymore. I was in AA a few years before after my 2nd DUI but was not ready for it after the trouble past. This time I was ready to go to any length to never drink again. I guess it has worked cause now 16 years later I still have not had a drink. After getting married at three years sober and and being transferred a year later I stopped going to AA. I thought church was all I needed. The arguments, control, yelling, throwing things commenced In my intimate relationship.I was in denial, Rationalizing, Minimizing, blaming her for being too senstive. After our seperation I thought it was just in a dry drunk but now understand that I have issues form childhood never delt with. i never thought the sexual abuse was that big of an issue but it did happen at an early age when the foundation of my core self was being formed. The lack of emotional nurturing and never having a decent model of appropite interpersonal relationships kind of sux. I tried to make everything look normal. I did my laundry got myself off to school. I did my best. As a older teenager I think some of my friends thought I was gay. A few girls wanted to have sex with me but I was emotionally incapable. That's all for now.
This is how sick my mother was. My sister told me she went to court to get my abuser off when his ex gilfriend charged him with molseting her son. She said she had two sons and he never did anything like that to them even through she probably had not known him for a year yet.
I relate to a lot of things I have seen on here so far. My mother was a real bad alcoholic so I got that abandoment issue thing. She killed her friend in a single car accident and me too, almost, when I was 2. The guilt of that I think kept her drunk most of the time. Dad was alcoholic too and died when I was 6 months old. I always had the guilt/shame, feeling different, inadqueate, shy,insecure, & lack of trust. Got drunk at 14 and found the answer. I medicated with alcohol for about 14 years. After 10 years in the Navy I realized for numerous reasons that I better not drink anymore. I was in AA a few years before after my 2nd DUI but was not ready for it after the trouble past. This time I was ready to go to any length to never drink again. I guess it has worked cause now 16 years later I still have not had a drink. After getting married at three years sober and and being transferred a year later I stopped going to AA. I thought church was all I needed. The arguments, control, yelling, throwing things commenced In my intimate relationship.I was in denial, Rationalizing, Minimizing, blaming her for being too senstive. After our seperation I thought it was just in a dry drunk but now understand that I have issues form childhood never delt with. i never thought the sexual abuse was that big of an issue but it did happen at an early age when the foundation of my core self was being formed. The lack of emotional nurturing and never having a decent model of appropite interpersonal relationships kind of sux. I tried to make everything look normal. I did my laundry got myself off to school. I did my best. As a older teenager I think some of my friends thought I was gay. A few girls wanted to have sex with me but I was emotionally incapable. That's all for now.