I stold this from another post from another brother (hope you dont mind)

I stold this from another post from another brother (hope you dont mind)


OK guys, on the religen board thers is a post that sickpuppy started (you should go read it it's a really good thread). Well in one of the reply's Waumie said this:
In a convention last January we had to answer a question about if we could go back & change one thing what would it be.
When I read this I wondered what my answer would be this. So I thought it might be good for me to see what the ya'll say to this question.

So my answer? Easy... BEING BORN!!!!!!

Sorry guy you did not have anything to do with that. You can only change things after the beginning. Here is a post I think it might be helpful to read:


Would you really deny your kids their chance at life? Take away from all the people you have helped in one way or another during your life? How about the young child who stares in fascination at the model clipper ship? It may be a small thing, but that joy and wonder s/he feels came from something you created by applying your own disciplined talent. Laura sounds like a wonderful life partner, doesn't she deserve a chance at happiness with you?

C'mon, man. The world is a better place for having you in it. Deep inside part of you knows that.

Here's a quote from you to josephd:
Keep your list of good thing going.
Ditto, man.

Sorry guy you did not have anything to do with that. You can only change things after the beginning.
OK, OK, OK... good point, OK only chage things after the beginning. OK then..what would I change? I would have given myself a voice about my abuse a hole lot sooner than at age 35. Thanks for pointing that out to me. Need to stay true to me in this.

That's a good idea. If I had faced up to what happened way back when, I wouldn't have so many bad habits so ingrained in me now.

But I was set up for the perp. Our life at home had been terrible, no matter how much I thought my parents' divorce was terrible at that time. But I guess I can't wish for their marriage to work out, just for me to do things differently.

Yeah, I wish I had the guts to face up to what happened to me and stop it right after the first time. The SA itself was bad enough, but the pathetic way I let it happen again and again while staying silent really bothers me. Hell, all of it bothers me.

If I keep rambling like this I'm going to decide that I can't pick just one thing to change!


Still say my answer is I wouldn't change anything
becuz if I did everything else would be changed. My wife and I would not have had our now 23 year marriage. Our two terrific daughters who are both working as survivor advocates would not be at all.

For more of an answer, you can look up my poem "I Wonder What the World Would Be" in the Poetry forum.

this is jokers wife again, i ealy need to get him to show me how to get my own name on here.....lol anyway i wanted to post an answer to this. in my own life as bad as i think it was there would only be a couple thing i would change, finishing school to have a better education and to go after my dream of becomming a vet. now saying that, i would only do that if i still could have met james and had our children.

if i could change something in someone elses life i would change all the horrable things that happened to my husband so he wouldnt have to go threw the pain in suffering he is now.

sorry hunny, i am so happy you was born, and am happy i can be here for you howbeit that i may not be the best person to be at times.
