I need your prayers and support
This statement appeared in this months church news letter.
I have told my attorney that If this matter goes before the session on Monday night that I want us both to be at the meeting. He has said that he will try to have this item tabled until after the church as setteled my dispute with them. I just don't see that unless I am there or my representative is there how I can have my rights protected.
Also, I can see one of the tactics that the church is trying already. They are trying to run up my leagal bills. We are asking for attorney fees in the settlement .... but I also see that a long way down the road.
Thanks guys,
This statement appeared in this months church news letter.
This meeting is Monday night. I have contacted my attroney and he knows that I am concerned. All contact that I have with the church is to be through my attorney. I have several concerns about this meetingYour Personell Department has been working on a policy that deals with sexual misconduct and harassment. This policy will also involve reporting any child abuse. We are working with materials written by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, The State of Wyoming, our Book of Order, our insurance company, Church Mutual Insurance and a policy from a church in Chicago. We hope to have the policy to our session in March. Once the session approves the policy, it will be distributed to all church officers, staffand volunteers. We hope and pray that it will never have to be implemented.
- That the current minister has from the start wanted my case handled by church law.
- That this new policy will make it imposible for me to continue with the pursuit of my perp.
- That the policy will only include Child sexual assault and not all forms of Clergy abuse
- Having been on this board ( Session) and knowing what a rummor mill it is within the church, That my name will be "drug through the mud" at the meeting
- I already feel that my confidentiality has been comprimised in this situation. If this matter goes before session I feel that my rights will have been violated.
I have told my attorney that If this matter goes before the session on Monday night that I want us both to be at the meeting. He has said that he will try to have this item tabled until after the church as setteled my dispute with them. I just don't see that unless I am there or my representative is there how I can have my rights protected.
Also, I can see one of the tactics that the church is trying already. They are trying to run up my leagal bills. We are asking for attorney fees in the settlement .... but I also see that a long way down the road.
Thanks guys,