I must be so much stronger now.

I must be so much stronger now.


Hello again everyone -

It's now a week since I wrote/signed a 15 page statement (local Police Station)of complaint against the evil bastard that abused me as a child.

After signing the statement I came home and asked my sister to call - I told her about the abuse ....something I never could do before.

I slept for 11 hours undisturbed that night (for the first time I can remember. I have slept well every night this week.

Normally I would have at least a couple of cans of beer each night, or a bottle of wine - I have not had a drink all week.... I didn't need it.

I am still awaiting feedback from the police (has he admitted it / denied it) & got a little anxious yesterday when I still had not received feedback - I did not resort to drink to quell the anxiety.

Today I am calm again & expect feedback in the early part of the coming week.

Tonight I am having a bottle of wine (just started) because I want to enjoy the taste & because I think I deserve it.

Lot's more I want to post, but I'll save it until the Police get back to me!

Thanks again for your support over the last 10 months....Rik

I hope you have the strength to go through this, and whatever the outcome, you know we are all with you.

I don't for one minute think he will admit it, unless similar accusations have been made in the past. I also hope, that when is tried, he gets a decent sentence, to reflect the pain and suffering he has put you, and probably a lot more kids through.

The process wont be easy for you, but I wish you strength, and PM me if you need any support.

Enjoy your bottle of wine, I envy the sleep, you've been getting, but maybe one day I get some really blissful sleep, and be able to dream again.

take care

Hey Rik,

I've been where you are and the important thing to remember is that the system is really slow and methodical. They have a million other things to work on, where in our minds there is only one important thing.

Good work man.
Well I've heard from the police - he was arrested & locked up overnight before they interviewed him.

Just as I expected he has denied everything - my statement was so factual with years / approximate dates & even the time of day that I last saw him, that the police were very impressed with my recall (not exactly something you forget). They believe me 110% & the investigation is now in the hands of the CID. It may or may not come to a prosecution in this instance as it's my word against his.

Some details that I cannot go into yet - when the police went to investigate my initial complaint, they requested an urgent statement from me as a matter of child protection. The children in my town are now much safer than they were. From some of the 'recent events', I believe it is only a matter of time now before someone else comes forward.

I recently stated that I finally managed to tell my sister that I was abused - she has told my brother-in-law. He plays five a side football & guess what one of their topics of conversation was last week....'This bloke that always hangs around kids (boys) but seems to be harmless' I don't think my brother-in-law will be quiet about this 'harmless bloke'at the next match & soon the whole town will know. He cannot abuse again even if he doesn't go to jail.

I feel 10 foot tall and a good deal lighter.

Again I thank you all for the support you have given me over the last 10 months - you've also helped to protect the kids in my town.

Thanks again ..Rik

to lock the "B" up overnight, sounds like they had more than just your confession to go on.

You know as well as me, these beasts just keep going on feeding their habit until they are caught. They wreak so much havoc in communities, often unfettered.

To take one child's life, (Yours) is enough, but how many did he take?

I hope others come forward, I really hope it is not in vain. We live with enough denial, if you can remember anything about it, that you would never have known. Anything about his body, maybe tattoes or birthmarks, then you've got him.

Hope it goes well, it will probably take ages, but don't despair. WE are always here to help you through it.

I blocke my abuser out of my mind, because he was so violent, he really did a good one on that.

No more to be said on that one,

good luck,


I feel 10 foot tall and a good deal lighter.
Enjoy that feeling, you deserve it.

Hey Rik, way to go!! I'm proud of you. I want to thank you for helping yourself, and for helping prevent him from possibly abusing another harmless child.

I remember when I had the chance to stare down my perp in court, that was the best feeling ever! I could tell by the nervous way he squirmed in his seat, he was living the moment he dreaded for years. He had been caught, and he was going to pay....

I still feel 10 feet tall!!

And yes, you were one of the ones in my thoughts, thanks brother :)
