I must be so much stronger now.
Hello again everyone -
It's now a week since I wrote/signed a 15 page statement (local Police Station)of complaint against the evil bastard that abused me as a child.
After signing the statement I came home and asked my sister to call - I told her about the abuse ....something I never could do before.
I slept for 11 hours undisturbed that night (for the first time I can remember. I have slept well every night this week.
Normally I would have at least a couple of cans of beer each night, or a bottle of wine - I have not had a drink all week.... I didn't need it.
I am still awaiting feedback from the police (has he admitted it / denied it) & got a little anxious yesterday when I still had not received feedback - I did not resort to drink to quell the anxiety.
Today I am calm again & expect feedback in the early part of the coming week.
Tonight I am having a bottle of wine (just started) because I want to enjoy the taste & because I think I deserve it.
Lot's more I want to post, but I'll save it until the Police get back to me!
Thanks again for your support over the last 10 months....Rik
It's now a week since I wrote/signed a 15 page statement (local Police Station)of complaint against the evil bastard that abused me as a child.
After signing the statement I came home and asked my sister to call - I told her about the abuse ....something I never could do before.
I slept for 11 hours undisturbed that night (for the first time I can remember. I have slept well every night this week.
Normally I would have at least a couple of cans of beer each night, or a bottle of wine - I have not had a drink all week.... I didn't need it.
I am still awaiting feedback from the police (has he admitted it / denied it) & got a little anxious yesterday when I still had not received feedback - I did not resort to drink to quell the anxiety.
Today I am calm again & expect feedback in the early part of the coming week.
Tonight I am having a bottle of wine (just started) because I want to enjoy the taste & because I think I deserve it.
Lot's more I want to post, but I'll save it until the Police get back to me!
Thanks again for your support over the last 10 months....Rik