I just wanted to tell some good news

I just wanted to tell some good news

still 12

Hi everybody,

I haven't been on here for awhile. I just wanted to share something.

I have been depressed for about 3 years. It was my third bout for which I had to take medicine. I know from these experiences that I was depressed many times in the long past (anxiety attacks too). But back then, I never knew what was happening. (I was molested when I was 12.) I never even thought I needed help. I just thought this was how life was.

I am 54 years old now. Since I lost my Mom in August 2001, I took care of my Dad and being the baby of the family and having 2 brothers that are rather distant, it was a difficult time.

I just lost my Dad on Jan. 4, 2003. It is so strange now not to have either of my parents around anymore. I know others on here have suffered loss in many ways but I was spoiled. I know that. I have never known any tragedy in my immediate family until my Mom passed away. I was 52 years old at the time. It was so foreign to me. It always seemed to happen to someone else. I had 52 years of thinking that life would always have my parents in it despite my intellect telling me otherwise. I guess it's called denial.

Well, with these two events in my life, especially, plus events in the world, my depression grew worse. In the past, I only went to the family doc and he prescribed Effexor. It worked but the depression would return after maybe a year. I have seen a psychologist for about 12 years, on and off, but, of course, he can't prescribe meds. Just talk. It helped some.

So I finally went to a psychiatrist in March of this year at the urging of my wife. I should have gone a long time ago. This last bout was miserable for me. I went from 185 lbs. to 255 lbs. Stress eating.

This doc prescribed Lexapro. It's an anti-depressant that was introduced just last year. Maybe some on here know about it already. He told me I would start feeling better in about a week. I was very skeptical. Effexor took about 4 to 6 weeks. All I can say is he was right on. I woke up on the 8th day and noticed a profound change. I was still cautious. But by about the 11th day I was a believer.

I feel so much better now. So many issues, including stuff from my childhood, don't have the impact on me now when I think about them. The unwarranted guilt, the lack of interest in everything, being emotional all the time, and the anxiety...all gone. Now don't get me wrong. My mood can change here and there but I sure know the difference between a bad mood and depression. I used to take about 8mg of Xanax per day which was a lot for me. I would get so sleepy at work. But that was the trade off to get rid of the anxiety and cover the depression with a buzz. I only take it now at night for sleep. I am going to try to get away from it all together. One less pill to take.

So all I can say is this med has worked for me. I have no side effects with it. I wish I could have had it years ago. I am not a doctor so if this med interests you, check with your doctor. (I sound like a commercial!!)

This is something I felt like sharing this morning. I can't tell anyone where I work. Most just don't understand about depression and the associated meds (even my own brothers). Unless someone experiences it for themselves, they can't really understand. But I certainly wouldn't hold that against them. And I would never wish it on anyone.

Thanks for reading,
Still 12
Always nice to hear a little good news. Sorry for your troubles, but glad to hear about your success in finding a little relief.

Anybody else have a med that worked that well for them??
Still12 - So glad you risked taking meds. :) So many guys fear taking them and miss genuine opportunities. I also take meds and know their benefits. I often use the example of ADHD. It's like trying to steer your boat while the steerage is moving 200 X's a second and the boat goes wherever it will because you have no control. With meds, the steerage moves 4 X's a minute and you can take control of your boat's steerage...go where you want. That is, when you get the help to understand how to steer and where you need to go now that you're in control.

Thanks for sharing your progress!! It sure helps!! :cool: :cool:


Sorry for your losses, depression & all you've been thru. But it's good to hear from you and I'm glad you are taking the meds & doing the things you need to do to get better. WTG!

Your posts and the responses share a lot of good ESH (Experience Strength & Hope):

Concerning fearing meds, I have this opinion. It seems like a lot of people will self medicate (alcohol or illegal drugs) but be afraid of taking something that will really help and not just cover up temporarily.
That is so true and I did it for so long. Lots of other things have helped me with my recovery besides properly prescribed meds. But none of them have included self-medication. It's been stuff like proper diet & exercise, prayer & meditation, good therapy, massage, reading and support like I get here, among other things.

Still the meds, when I've gotten the right ones, have been very helpful. Yes I'd do without them if I could and when I can I will. But for now that Zoloft I've been taking about 10 years (among other meds) has been very good to me and I wouldn't want to have done without it.

So it seems as though the brain is the last frontier that many people will not get help if they have problems. So many think they will be labeled "crazy" if they go to a psychiatrist. The doc told me that approx. 18% of the American public suffer depression but a very small percentage ever get help. Sad indeed.
Yeah it is sad. :(

Well, I've been seeing a psychiatrist (not the same one) for about 10 years, and getting therapy
longer than that.

So I must be really crazy!

But then who here didn't know that already?! :D

However who is crazier: the person who knows they need help but won't get it, or the person who knows they need help & gets it no matter what people think or say?

Insanity: doing the same things over & over and expecting different results.

Sad, indeed.

ain't this the truth !

However who is crazier: the person who knows they need help but won't get it, or the person who knows they need help & gets it no matter what people think or say?

Insanity: doing the same things over & over and expecting different results.
I must have been barking mad for about 31 years......

Dave :eek: