May I quote your own words from yesterday?
Because I want to see what's on the other side of this pain. Because every damn day I fight, I win. It's my victory over the bastards that killed my spirit. I hear you.
Because for me to give up is to let them win.
So you had a dispute with Brian-Z? Hell, that's almost a rite of passage here. And sorry to give away your secrets Brian, but that means he cares, not so much about what you're saying, but about YOU.
Above, you said this:
I only wish I could have been part.
Oops. Too late Marc. You are a part and that's a fact.
Stay or go, for a while, or forever, you're a part.
Leosha said this once (not an exact quote!):
True friendship is always having a reason to say "I'm sorry", but never having to.
But you have said you're sorry, and how much "truer" can one get?
And now for the cheap shot!!
You will hurt us more by leaving for these reasons.
We'll get over it but will you? Aren't you hurting yourself again by cutting yourself off? Isn't that handing
them another easy win?
This place is a way station on our journey. It's easy to get consumed by it but that levels off.
We have here a great laboratory for learning how to deal with and understand all sorts of things including other people.
I hope you stay. You've contributed much in your short time here.
Don't think it's all sunshine and lollipops right now, because it isn't. But the sun is out and so am I!
I guess the lollipops come later.
Stay for the lollipops, Marc.