I have been stuck in precedence

I have been stuck in precedence


brothers - i do not know if this makes sense or not
but i confided in bill earlier tonight that
i was asked to be ther perfect emotional servant for each member of my family -
i was desperate though to have a moral orientation - it was the one thing - along with my unusual mind that i could retreat into -

my body's lust awakened at a very early age -
subsumed my childhood abused emotions -

and i became a mini adult - moralizing - wise
and getting on more with senior citizens then
i ever did my piers - thought my piers and sex
were oh so confused - as you could read in other postings of mine here -
at the same time being this mini adult -
i was emotionally a wired little kid - when it came to revealing where i was at that moment -

this is hard to describe in non dramatic terms

i was sensoring - to stay safe and yet make sense of things - i analyzed and mimicked -

and now i realize after freeing myself from
that world -

i now realize i have been stuck in this "precendental" thought - only behaving in the way that was safe

now i know i am dicovering how to be/exist in just the moment - the validity of my desire or non desire - my thoughts
and what i want to share - or talk about -

(very much want a friend right now-just to "...be..." co - exist and co- experience with)

this is really a special night for me - i know what i am feeling - yet the feeling now in knowing it is there and not overcoming.

doesn't take it away - - but i know what to do about it now - i think:-)
Hello my friend,
I do not really know what you are asking if anything but I just wanted to say I know what you are feeling. As a child I always felt much older than my piers and never felt equal with them because they could never understand what I thought to be the most simplest things when it came to deep conversation or pain. I always felt like an out cast and felt more comfortable around adults especially males. You are not alone my friend and if you ever want to talk I would love for the chance to be that friend that you are searching for please feel free to pm me anytime. Your friend malidin.
Your concept of being an emotional servent sounds so like me. My mom always told me that I was the one that had to be the adult. I had to subliminate all of my feeling and needs to the desires of every one else.

I still do that a lot. Maybe it is time we get over that big lie. Come up with any good ideas, keep me filled in!
