i found i am not alone in this

i found i am not alone in this


there is time in the morning - when i buzz around happily and am very productive

it's seems somewhere after mid morning

i become so exhausted -

totally - and i have learned to listen - must listen to this

and rest - nap - drink - eat or chit chat -


i talked to a buddy today - he does this too
this recuperation time - he needs it -

and then

i spoke to another - it's he same!!!

neat -

and then ... back to buzzing around....

You devil you!!!! :D :D


Does that sound like an explanation that fits? I'm that way in the morning. My wife and I sit down over a pot of strong Arabic coffee, and wow! For the next two hours I'm in WON-derful shape. lol

Much sipping,
In a good sense Jay. Non-threatening horns...

no - i

can't do caffeine

i am talking about - having to take breaks -

managing your energies -

and not self abusing - like i used to

also - i used to think i was worthless for getting tired -

see what i mean - ?

But we all get tired. Everyone. It's just a message that we are overextending, not that we are worthless.

But I know what you mean. You might have this feeling that you need to keep achieving in order to prove that yes, you are worthwhile after all. I used to do that, but now I can see that I am worthwhile and important WITHOUT any need to prove it to anyone.

I hope you can see the same thing. The problem is that those who demand to be convinced are probably never going to acknowledge us, no matter what we do or what we achieve - for toxic people like that the starting point is that nothing can be enough.

Much love,
Mark, at the end of the day I think WTF, I dont hevee the energy to respond to anything but sleep.

Let me hit the sack,

you guys thank you so much -
each -

i am in a tired state again

and the discomfort that you caught on - Larry -

is the thing that's colours all at times -

indeed -

it's the fatigue and you're right -

cheers mates!


It may sound strange, but for many of us (including me) relaxing was an art I had to learn and work on. Perhaps you are the same.

Believe me, it certainly is an art worth perfecting. I will let you know once I get there. ;)

Much love,
Sleeps good, feels nice being dozy, just before you drop off.

Power Naps can save the day sometimes....