I fought the Law and....

I fought the Law and....


Well, I HAVE been having trouble with authority as of late.

The last time I went to court for a traffic citation, I had the mother of all panic attacks, and THAT was just before a clerk magistrate! :rolleyes: But, despite that, I decided to press forward with an appeal. I know I technically broke the law, but I felt I had to make a judgement call involving my personal safety and kept fighting it.

Well, the appeal was in the MAIN COURTROOM of the courthouse. I'm surrounded by other people facing more serious things than mine, and I had a frigging STATE TROOPER in FULL DRESS UNIFORM beside me. I had to STAND UP behind a podium beside the bench, and I was ALONE in this. crunch-time indeed!

Needless to say, I'm sweating, shaking, nervous and feeling like I was going to BOLT outta there at the first possible opportunity. But I stood my ground.....and the officer who wrote me up FAILED TO SHOW!

My citation was thrown out.

I won ugly, but I won.

I fought the Law and I WON!

GOD! That feels so F**kING good!

Peace and love,

Scot think of this post in the light of the previous one. You got the control brother. Jeez I hope you wore deoderant. :D
two thumbs....waayyyy up!!

Thanks guys,

Mike, you're right. I actually posted this first. I wanted to lead off with the positive. As I said, it WAS a weird week! :D

I'm kinda riding a weird-@$$ed wave. After the flashback this morning, I'm kind of two people. Angry, hurt Scot, and recovering, healthy Scot. Add Little Scot to the mix and I'm not sure exactly how many people I am at the moment. I don't know if it's improvement, but it IS stability and I'll settle for that.

Theo, it WAS winning ugly, but it was a WIN! So, I guess, yeah, two thumbs up with a twist is acceptable! :D

Thanks again, guys!

Peace and love,


I have mixed feelings on this. Congrats on standing up for yourself, that is great power.

Not to diminish your victory in court and the great victory of standing up for yourself. But (oh my, not the 'but'), the lack of law and order ends up with chaos. There are times that technically breaking the law is necessary and warranted and some laws are unjust. Getting off on a technicality scares me. How many criminals get off on technicalities? How many perps? This is where my concern is.

I know this is not the same as your situation. But the concern is there. I do applaud your standing up for yourself, that is absolutely great.
