I finally told my wife about this site

I finally told my wife about this site


I disclosed my sexual abuse to my wife 16 years ago before we got married and she was understanding and didnt hold it against me, but after that we never talked about it again. I supposed she thought that it was all in the past and to be honest, I thought so too.

Several years later, I came across a book on sexual abuse survivors, read it, identified with some of it and then worked through a couple of issues. Again I told my wife, received her support and after an enduring effort of 1 week, concluded that EVERYTHING was now TOTALLY FIXED FOREVER. Wrong!

Fast track to now, 10 years later and I stumbled across this site. It blew my world apart when I realised that I had only scratched the surface of my recovery. This time I fully understood the impact of my abuse and basically, Ive done all that I can these last few months to not totally fall apart emotionally. Ive felt like my head is in a spin dryer, Im emotional most of the time and on the verge of bursting out crying (in the office thankyou very much). That is not normally me Im Mr Rock Solid Emotions. Normally.

So my point to this post is that Ive not been able to bring myself to tell my wife about this site, my involvement in it or what Im learning about myself and how screwed up Ive been feeling. That may sound strange, but as Ive seen it lately my WHOLE world has become unstuck and Im seeing how this has affected so much of my life (if not all of it) and I also have feelings of weakness that I should need or want what this site has to offer.

Because of all of this I havent told her. Ive felt that if she REALY knew what was going on inside of me and how I was feeling and how much it had affected my life that she would not understand, would freak out and want me to stop any involvement. None of that is true though.

I told her on the weekend and she was brilliant. We talked for close to three hours. I also read your post FTGF on your similar breakthrough. Congratulations to you too!

I eased in slowly by showing her a male CSA book Id just read and told her how I felt very impacted by it and how I saw my abuse still had major effects on my life. She seemed fine with that so I then told her about this site and the chat rooms and the boards. She was so thrilled for me that I had found a support network for myself, with people (like all of you reading this thankyou so much) who understood, accepted and supported me.

She did not think of me as weak at all, but was glad that I had come to this place of realising its impact on myself and was proud of me for facing it and wanting to get better. I also told her of my efforts and apprehension in finding a T. Im from Australia and in our country we have a culture that you should be strong enough to not need a T ever. For anybody to want one is a sign of weakness. So for me to come to a place of wanting one and to express that to another fellow Australian (even though she is my wife) is also a big step. Again she was fully supportive and hoped I could find one quickly. I do too and Im in the process of doing that thanks Ken Singer!

So, I told the person closest to me, she didnt reject me, she believed me, she loves me and she wants me to get better. I told her of my difficulty on opening up emotionally and she also longs for the day that I can do that for myself (and secondarily, to her too).

I suppose what really sealed this awesome time of disclosure was that I apologised to her that she got stuck with a husband with so much damage and failings (at present). She said she was not disappointed at all, loved me entirely for who I am right now and looks forward to seeing me become a better, more whole person.

And no, shes mine no one else gets her! Thankyou everybody for your continued support and for being you. Everybody who has ever replied means so much to me and everybody else who hasnt (yet), as Ive read your posts (that I also havent always replied to as I dont always have anything to add) I also say thankyou. Every post here is powerful and meaningful.

Gosh Bruce,

I don't know what to say (tears seeping out here). I'm so awed by the happiness I hear in your post.

I'm thrilled that you have been able to take this step. Doesn't it feel good to have the one you love the most in your corner? Perhaps she would like to participate in the "Family and Friends" forum.

I sense that this is a real step forward for you. Don't forget that we're here pulling for you because a victory for one of us is a victory for us all.

The "Brave Little Warrior" wins again!



This is a great step forward in your healing. It is wonderful that you are sharing this with your wife and opening yourself up to furthering your healing.

May I suggest, if you haven't already, that she also joins MS Friends and Family for that added hand she needs. And for the both of you to join and have access to the Member's Forums so the more 'tender' issues can be discussed.

Take care and be kind to yourself,
Joined today and this is my first responds. I'm 45 years old. To me to always seem wiser not to let anyone know that anything like this had happened. Even then I understood people like to color situations. Makes for better gossip. And the lables that go along.
In my 20's, meant the woman that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. In sickness and in health, for rich of poor, become as one, ect....
Thought if anyone had a right, should, needed to know it was her. In the begining, I told her that it happened. She is the only person to ever heard the details. Just seemed fair for her to know and understand what she was getting.
The day came when Diane wanted to move on, search for a more. She wanted her divorce and everthing. In herquest to achive that goal everone from the U.S. Virgin Islands to Barrow, Alaska found out what had happened! I can't think of a single person that doesn't know. Anyone. My baby girl knows that daddy has had it in the butt.
My girls was the last people on earth I would have ever wanted to know. Can't explain the humilation.
The one person I loved and trusted more than anyone on this knew whta would happen if it ever got out.How people would react and what it would do to me. Don't know how she could have been so cold.
Be careful telling anyone!
Good luck, Alec
I am so sorry she did that to you Alec. Talk about being victimized. I can understand your reluctance to tell anyone ever again.

I hope you find whatever it is you need or are looking for here on this site. There's a lot of great guys here who care a great deal about each other and would never intentionally hurt their friends here. I hope you can find the kind of trustworthy friends here that can help you heal from the pain inflicted by such spiteful acts.

Courage my friend,


I suppose what really sealed this awesome time of disclosure was that I apologised to her that she got stuck with a husband with so much damage and failings (at present). She said she was not disappointed at all, loved me entirely for who I am right now and looks forward to seeing me become a better, more whole person.
Isn't it so absolutely insidious how we tear ourselves to pieces over this crap, finally disclose to someone very close to us, receive the loving response we deserve, and then feel stunned about it!!??

Bruce, your wife has responded so positively because she sees in you the good and decent man that you are - what happened was done by someone else and is their shame, not yours.

Alec, I am so sorry to hear your experience. That was a cruel and heartless thing that was done to you, and no, there was no excuse. She caused you that humiliation on purpose. But the context looks like it was an angry divorce and someone in that world of hurt can react in all sorts of ways. But one day your daughters will be old enough to underthings properly, and I bet they won't think a lot of what your ex did to them when they were so young. My daughter (18) knows about my abuse and I get a lot of support from her.

You were humiliated Alec, yes, but not shamed. An abused boy isn't "getting it in the butt" bro, he is a child being raped. Throw the shame back where it belongs.

Hang with us: we will help you find the shovel.

Take care,
Alec, I too am sorry that this trust that you placed in your wife was violated.

The guys here are not like that. Even if this is the only place you can disclose, please do it for your sake (when you are able to). There's a great release in doing that.

And, yes I am very careful in who I tell. Only my wife basically, and my Therapist whom I'm seeing for the first time next week.

Take care Alec, welcome, and please stick around.
I will speak like a moralist

There can be no true intimacy without truth. If you want intimacy that's real with your wife than tell her. If you don't want intimacy with your wife than don't tell her and be intimate with someone else.

I'd be a hypocrite if I said much more. I'm fortunate. My closest associates know my story though they don't know I've taken an interest in this website. I don't fear telling them I just haven't gotten around to it.

Good luck and may the Force be with you.
Defiance Is Best, I'm not too sure how to take your post:
There can be no true intimacy without truth. If you want intimacy that's real with your wife than tell her. If you don't want intimacy with your wife than don't tell her and be intimate with someone else.
There may be truth in your view about having real intimacy when you can be comfortable discussing all sorts of issues, but bear in mind, guys like me in here are hurting and trying to deal the best we can with our past abuse.

I certainly want true, deep intimacy with my wife, and actually I take offence at the suggestion I should perhaps be "intimate" with somebody else if I can't do so with my wife (right now).

Please be a little gentler with guys like me in here.
I shouldn't have been so harsh. I wouldn't suggest that the stark clarity in my post is much beyond a thought experiment. But I do believe that truth is the foundation of intimacy. We love someone, presumably, because we behold that person as he or she is and accept them. Vision and love are united. But you must admit some people do not prefer to be intimate with their spouses for whatever reason.

I think my suggestion you be intimate with someone else was taken wrong and perhaps offered wrongly. Intimate, of course, does not necessarily mean sexual. Funny how sexualized our society is. People confuse sexuality and intimacy quite often.

Oh well. At any rate ALL I mean to assert is that initmacy means truth. Some people imagine they can be close to someone without actually revealing themselves ( to whatever degree) to that person.

I hope I didn't muddy the waters any furthur.
Hi Defiance,

I undertsand and agree with your quote:
But I do believe that truth is the foundation of intimacy
That is my goal and as my post indicated I've recently made a breakthrough in that area, but it wasn't easy and I'm sure there'll still be times ahead when that's what I want but the doing may take a little longer. I'm probably like many guys in here.

Thankyou for clarifying your post and intent. Take care.
It was great to meet you in chat this evening. I appreciate your post concerning your wife. I identify greatly with it. My wife has been a support to me and has held me through some really horrible nights of breaking down and sobbing sometimes till morning. You mentioned that you told her at one point and then at another point you had an episode but then it still surfaced later... I think of it like an onion it keeps peeling down layer by layer till you get to the heart. You're awsome buddy for facing things and getting help. To me that is the bravest thing you could have done and I applaud you. It takes a bit of courage to risk your comfort zone of friends, family, coworkers and their opinions to get the help you need.

Warm Regards