I fell.... very, very hard.

I fell.... very, very hard.


This weekend was the worst of my life. The absolute worst. It started on Friday night with a lie to my wife that I was going to visit a friend who has just returned from overseas. I wasn't going there, I was going to another friends place to do drugs. I had planned on being home at around midnight, so she wouldn't know and everything would be fine. I'd be able to escape for a bit and she wouldn't know any different. No one gets hurt.

I went there, started doing drugs, and didn't stop until about 3pm the following day. All night and morning long I was hopping around places in my city that are ideal for doing drugs (after hours). I was by myself from about 2:30am on. Just doing more and more, waiting to feel 100% of nothing.

I met up with a guy, who was quite overtly gay. He seemed like a cool guy, and I was hoping to learn some things... about myself. I don't have issues around my sexuality... I don't battle that. I just have feelings of what happened... and not understanding it all. I'm just trying to close that all.

So, after I did a lot more drugs, I went to his house. With another one of his gay friends, and another straight man. It was a horrible time. The straight person was constantly hiding cryptic messages in the random things he was saying. Pretty much, he was saying "This guys not gay, why doesn't he do something. You can't just lead somebody who's so fucked up... on and on."

He had my number, I didn't want to be there. But it was a punishment and a closure. Me and the guy went to the store where we were able to talk to each other and he basically put it out there, whether I had ever had a gay experience. I told him the truth, not by choice.

Surprising, this didn't deter him. He was pretty messed as well, so on the way back to his place, he forced a kiss on me. And bam... BAM... I was there again. I was right back there, in that place. That horrible place where I'm just defenseless and letting something happen. And it felt exactly how it felt then, unnatural and very uncomfortable.

I wanted this to happen. My plan was to get as messed up as I could, go through the abuse one last time so I knew I hadn't made it all up... and then end this madness.

I'm still here. I don't know how or why. But I'm still here. I've gone to my cousins place, where he's willing to support me through this. I can't see the future right now, I feel very empty inside and it really does feel like I just can't do it. But I must, life must be better than death. I must look forward. I must grab on to the things that I can and say, please... please help me... because I can't do it myself. I want to do it myself so bad, but I know I can't. First step, drug conselling.

Every single day for as long as I can possible remember, I have been afraid. I confronted that fear one last time... and it's still there. I'm tired of being scared. Lord help me with this all, I have to keep it simply to succeed.

- jd

"We will either find a way or make one."
It sounds like you decided to make a way through some very difficult and dangerous terrain. I'm glad you are able to get back here and post to us.

First things first. Get that counseling. Get the truth to your wife.

Be safe,

Oh, yes on the counselling... and the first thing I did when I got home was tell her everything. Everything.
jd -

I admire your courage in talking w your wife. I have been there. Married, and Hurting so Badly. Telling the truth does not always have an immediate happy ending. But telling the truth to ourselves and those we love, does indeed set us free - to drop the pretense and start to heal (again).

I feel hurt w you. And I can't judge or be condescending towards you or anyone here at this site. Bc I hurt myself and I hurt my wife trying to reach for answers to questions that I didn't even know were questions. I am no longer married. But I am more at peace. And I understand more and have much more love to give someone new.

Please get help on the substance abuse issues.
You can do it. Hang in There.

Jd my friend my brother you are a very strong man. We have all fallen but it takes a strong man to say that he has fucked up. We all make mistakes but it take's a special and powerful man to admit he has made a mistake. Being able to talk about it with your brothers here and with your other support people is a good idea. I know that you will over come this F up my brother. Any journey that is worth take is not easy.

Lots of love, Nathan

I wanted this to happen. My plan was to get as messed up as I could, go through the abuse one last time so I knew I hadn't made it all up... and then end this madness.
This bit makes a lot of sense to me, re-enact the abuse. Maybe this time "it's me in control" - but it never happens does it ?

I thought that by just acting out once on my terms would prove something to me, and I'm damned if I really know what it would have proved. I guess I set myself up with a whole lot of "answers" that would be found by being in control that once.
I think the main question I was seeking the answer to was the question we all ask, "WHY"

By being in control I thought that I would experience what my abusers felt, and therefore understand "why".

But whatever the reason, be strong about what you did.
Be honest with yourself and others about this and I bet it'll never happen again. Destroy the secrets.

Well jd, it sounds like you have quite a love affair going with your drugs. Drugs are very unfaithful friends, tey will betray you every time. You mentioned that you went to a place where you knew you would be with friends doing drugs. You will need to figure out what was so much better going to the drugs than staying at home with your wife.

When you come to love sobriety as much as you now love the drugs, you will be in really good shape. It takes a while to get the junk out of your body--then you body turns on you because you are depriving it of the drugs it has come to expect.

If you really want to be clean and sober you can never take a drug again in your life. AODA counseling can be helpful. Narcotics Anonymous sounds like a good mix for you. If you are willing to go to any length to be clean and free, the folks at NA can help a lot.

Sometimes being sorry isn't what is needed; a change in the way we do things is what is needed. Not easy, but it can be done.

Good luck to you--seek out all the help you need every minute of this journey. This one is really a tough one.

I want you to know you have friend's here that will extend a helping hand to a fallen brother, so that a brother may have a little extra engery to get back on there feet. I know where your at, I've been there (fight with it daily). I use to push drugs just so I had the money to keep me in them. Strainge how we do things when "High" that we wouldn't or don't want to do when we are not. The time's I "acted" out 99.9% of them were under the influnce of some type of drug. I've been clean now for 5 years. JD know this, it's not easy to loosen the grip that drugs have on one's life. But it's worth it. Just remember that the drugs tell us things we want to hear. They tell us that "We want this", "It's ok, this is all I'm good for anyway", "If I make him feel good he'll like me more". Funny thing is it's all lies. Just like the perp's from our childhood, drug's make us blame ourselves. Just like the perp's, drug's make's us think this is what we really want. Well sorry rambling a bit. JD just wanted you to know that your not alone. It is very insiteful of you to see/admit/know that you have "fallen". Just remember this my brother wolf........"fallen" doesn't mean beaten!!!!!! We all lose battle's in this war we are fighting. But rest assured brother, there isnt one of us that will leave a fallen brother on the battle feld to fend for himself. WE WILL GET YOU OUT OF HERE!!!! ((((((((((hugs)))))))))))) JD, good luck, and remember please remember, your not alone in this battle. We all have "purple heart's".

It happened this weekend to me too! Started by going out to a club to dance. After being clean since January 5th of this year I hit the bump in the road that (I CREATED FOR MYSElF!) I intend to get right back up on that wagon and ride some more. I know I may fall off again but I look back and see how far I did ride. Pretty damn well if you ask me. I have NO intention of punishing myself for this little indescretion but I will speak with my 'T' about it. It was only one day. Was it fun? It had it's moment but I also know that it is NOT what I want out of life.

Come on bro, you and I need to climb back into that seat and move on. 'Kay? :cool:
JD my brother:
You fell back a bit. But that is all it was. I have been where you have been. I dont know what kind of drugs you are into. I was on heroin as a young man. God it had me by the throat. I was a hustler and once hooked there is nothing, and I mean nothing i would not do for a fix. A friend helped me get off when I was almost 22 and I am 62 now. I have been in AA for 26 years. Both a day at a time. JD you can do it too. You have a very supportive wife and trust her ok. Like you trust your fellow brothers of the pack here. She is the closest to you emotionally. Let her help . We are here too for you JD and dont every forget that ok. Read my post on self inflicted pain. God we are a lot alike.

But we are on the right road, bumpy but the right one. And all the wolves here are with you brother wolf.
