I asked the question? men only here!

I asked the question? men only here!
I really feel that this is and for the most part I see no wives posting. Only a few isolated incidents. The more I think about it though I agree with John, I said the statement about if it was a rule not john. Anyway not much I can do a women could sign in under a mans name.

And also it was James wife that kept us inforemed about his health when he was in the hospital. so I guess it all depends, that was special circomstance. I just wanted to comment and my post was closed.
The post was closed due to the very hurtful comments by someone who has been removed from the site, the discussion continued under SoCalJohn's post "The struggle to be understood...."
We have 3 different types of people named here...places that they are suppose to post!!

Family and Friends
Gay Survivors
Male Survivors

In all fairness...can we get the Gay Men to stop posting in the Male Survivor Forum or viceversa...This maybe freaking a lot of members out...BIGTIME!!!! Look how women freaked You and John out by posting in the Men's Forum!!!!
Maybe we need a "HOW GAY ARE YOU RATING"...Members should be checked out by PIs or a team of them!!!....... I'm not freaked out by Gay Man or Women.

it states it is for male survivors, I am not asking for regulation, like I said and I was not freaked out thank you, it is very infrequent.

As for gay or straight, many of are confused, those are just lables, I myself am sexual and human.
I hope everyone can be as tolerant of others as we wish others to be of us. I say that we here are more alike in our experience than we could ever be different in race, creed, color or sexuality.

Peace to all
Again, I find myself asking, who cares? This is a public forum, for male survivors is more of a request than a rule. You couldnt stop other posters if you wanted to. Let it go, it isnt worth this much type. Lets just try to get along and heal, OK? Nobody here wants to hurt anybody else. If you want an all hetero section, fine, but is it really worth the bother to be THAT homophobic? I guess i could see the logic, but CMON, we are adults here. (most of us anyways, in physical age if not in our minds) Be silly, but dont be mean. This is both.
broken, my post was closed and I just wanted to respond, maybe someone cares, I need to respond it is a free world, we shouldn't discourage others from talking. This might be more important to someone else. I am ok with it. I just wanted to respond because I was gone and away from the computer, then I see all these responses to my post. Ok?
I cant believe my origonal post caused this much dialouge. At the retreat no one cared about sexual orientation. Most of us are still confusd about that anyway. Healing is a more important thing, maybe we could be supportive of eachother and realize we all went through similar things.
I agree with Broken and Mikie BUT this is The Nomsv Discuussion Board...We should show the we can discuss SA. Me and Micheal Joseph are big boys...we maybe a little nuts but hot discussions are cool...as long as you don't gross each other out...It's just a discussion!!! As for it getting too long...no way...it lead to some neat guestions...one being sexual orientation!!! Do I know where I'm at in orientation..for sure...HELL NO...wish I did! I liked the Have Sex and are Human thing and the No Black and White thing...Middle Ground...pretty neat!!!
I would like to see people start threads that would live on...Like things to do when you start having Flashbacks..First Aid for men who just fell off on the truck...Some 'how to do things' to help your PTSD!!! Whatever...Out of 800+ only 20+ people posting???? I pray for more to speak up about Male SA...Post Anywhere..just help everyone by adding some useful words!!!

The important thing here is OUR recovery from OUR SEXUAL ABUSE, it's common ground and I feel that we ALL have so much to offer.
Who really cares where the help, advice and support comes from ?

The diversity of opinion on all the forums here is astounding, if this isn't the best site for survivors there is then let me know about any better ones.
The users here are a mixed bunch for sure, we're bound to be; we have such different experiences and just as many ways of coping with our daily torments.

In our daily lives as "normal" people we strive for equality, and minority groups have fought long and hard for every scrap of equality they have. We are a minority as well, SA victims have been, and still are, made to feel inferior and soiled; WE'RE NOT.

My personal view is that we just don't need any more fragmentation and dissention, we need to stick together and offer support to fellow survivors, and more importantly take support from anyone willing to offer it.