I AM list

I AM list


i dont know why i wanted to put this up. it just feels like something i should do. my t had me do this assignment this week and i have to go in and talk about it today.
let me know what you think.

1. Smart
2. Handsome
3. A hard worker
4. Strong
5. loved 6. Unhappy 7. Angry
8. Forgetful
9. Creative
10. Talented
11. A man (do I believe that?
12. Male.
13. Loveable
14. Dishonest
15. A drug addict
16. Trying
17. Hurt
18. A dad
19. Very lucky
20. Under thirty
12. Probably a little different that most people
22. Not as hostile as I once was
23. Fairly responsible
24. Not as special as I think I am
25. Silly sometimes
26. An alcoholic
27. A good cook
28. Good with my hands
29. excellent at finding old car parts and boat motor parts
30. Confused
31. Sometimes mean
32. Sometimes irrational
33. in counseling
34. Tired
35. Lazy
36. Good at driving (anything)!
37. A good employee
38. A perfectionist
39. An ok welder
40. A brother
41. A friend
42. Lonely
43. Sometimes a pain
44. A collector o many things
45. Pierced and tattooed
46. In need of a hair cut
47. Working two jobs
48. Liked by my co workers
49. Messy
50. Alive!!!

most of all i like and appreciate your honesty.

secondly, you and i and many others have a lot of similar or exact characteristics and traits. we are human. we error, we succeed, we fail, we are productive, we abuse substances, and the like.

seems to me you are pretty darn human and maybe try to build on to the strong and proud atttributes you have and work on the ones that are not good for you or the ones that are not healthy for you or make you happy.

easier to say than do. i do appreciate your honesty the most and secondly your strength in admitting all the good and maybe even the not so good (but manageable with effort and choices). some of us deny a lot of it. you have a lot going for you.

take care, good luck, guy
I think it was a good 'assignment'. Always, it is best to look at the more positive, and to list it like that, you have it down, you have it to look at when you are feeling down. I could not do such a positive thing right now, although now would probably be the best time to do it, since I am down. Your therapist seems to be a smart person, and has you concentrating on what is important. I hope your next appointment is good.
