I almost let myself slip over the edge
Over the last few weeks I've felt it comming on. Slowly the same old depression as always. But I figure hey it has to be different this time. This time Im not hidding anymore. I've told my therypist how I was feeling (and she didnt lock me up). I shared with my wife, I told my best friends. All over the last few weeks. What I didnt do was tell all of them how much worst it was getting, how the thoughts of wanting to just lay down and never wake up over powered everything else in my life. Not untill last night did I share just how strong they realy were, funny thing. They aready new. I did call my best friend on friday and ask him to pray with me, thats something I've never done (so that might have given them a hint). Or it is true you hide from those who truly love you. Well last night I went to the crisis center, did know if felt safe in the real world anymore, felt like I was my own worst demond at the time, I wasnt thinking straight and my support team, my wife and my two best friends showed me that. showed me my logic was getting just a little twisted. so i went, well they didnt keep me. they gave me shot and some pills and sent me home. durning all of this everyone kept telling me it's a breakthrough not a breakdown, then why did/does it feel like I'm breakingdown and not through?...lol...well the jury is still out on down or through. I guess the real reason for my post is this. the two friend my two best friends, the only people other than my wife and my theripest I can talk to and KNOW